The Sign Depot

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This Restaurant Sign Needed a Passport Stamp of Approval

Dimensional Restaurant Signs

Last year the owner of PASSPORT SIPS + TAPAS contacted us after being inspired by our barn board signs post and wanted something similar but with a few minor changes to fit their brand.  Their visual marketing strategy is to connect their branding to the “passport stamp” within their logo using a dimensional restaurant sign to make it very eye-catching.  In order to accomplish this, the sign makers here at The Sign Depot created this exterior sign from two different materials to create the style that Passport Sips + Tapas was looking for.

Creating the Passport Sips + Tapas Custom Sign

This sign was mix of pine wood and outdoor PVC. The first step was to create a pine wood backer, then distress the wood.  Two different hues were used when finishing the wood to give it more dimension.  Next the individual PVC letters and logo were cut out on our CNC router table and given an outdoor paint finish with minor distressing done to the paint. As you can see in the image below the letters were prepared for pin mount installation on to the wood sign backer.

Passprt Restaurant Signs - The Sign Depot

The last part of the sign project was to insert the passport stamp image into the letter “O” in the word passport to make it the focal point of the sign.

Next the sign was assembled and prepped for shipping, which included a custom made wood case to ensure the sign arrived safely.

Passport Sips + Tapas Wood Sign - Restaurant Signs - The Sign Depot

The Passport That Crossed The Border

Here at The Sign Depot, we manufacture many signs that are shipped into the United States.  We just thought it was such a fun play on words that we were fabricating a sign with the word PASSPORT that would be crossing border.  Now it is great to see from their Instagram page that their restaurant is in full swing and the sign provides a welcoming entrance-way to the establishment.


With more that 25 years experience creating custom restaurant signs, we look forward to assisting with your upcoming sign projects.  Visit our CONTACT US page to connect with us!



What Story Is Your Brand Telling? Is It A Sign Of Community Involvement?

Signs That Your Brand’s Community Is Looking For The Story

It has been almost two years since Budweiser created an impact through community involvement. By speaking to their community’s love of hockey through the 2012 Super Bowl commercial, they let their audience know they understand community spirit and comradery.  Since then many brands have began to realize that it’s their stories that resonate with their audience.  New messaging has become about emotional intelligence and brand images instead of the “buy now” ads of the past. Consumers are purchasing from brands they trust and are looking to see how companies understand their needs.

Duracell’s latest ad is great example of this. Duracell makes hearing aid batteries, but at no point is it mentioned in the ad

Duracell chose to let Derrick’s story take the forefront, ending the ad with their brand image.  To many, a logo is just a way to represent a company, but brands know that images provide a respresentation for reputation of their business. They are what make businesses easy to recognize.  Being memorable is the best way to stand out in your industry.

So What’s Your Story?

What does your company do to get involved in the community? Those are the stories that your audience is looking for.  Perhaps you sponsor an event or are involved in community awareness campaign. By making the world a better place you are letting your community know you are eager to be involved in what is important to them.  That is what makes you stand out.

Refresh Your Brand And Make An Impact

If you’re not sure how to involve storytelling into your brand messaging start with your company image.  Does it make an impact? Does it stand out from others in the industry? Is it good representation of what your company stands for? If not, it may be time to refresh your brand. Rebranding your company’s image to align with your new messaging can change the way consumers see your business.   For ideas on designing a new brand image be sure to check out our post on artistic sign design and start the new year off right.


Signs That Discovery Channel Took A Page Out Of The Red Bull Branding Playbook

nik wallenda - branding

Signs Of Branding Better

Several months ago in our post Better Branding – Red Bull Wins we discussed how the Red Bull Stratos sponsored Felix Baumgartner’s Live Jump.  In that post we talked about how Red Bull took the opportunity to get the logo in front of the cameras that were broadcasting both online and on television.  Further down in that post we spoke about the differences between the Live Jump and Nik Wallenda’s High Wire Walk across Niagara Falls.

Nik vs Felix

Just a few months ago Nik Wallenda crossed Niagara Falls on a high wire.  It is believed that millions tuned in to watch the event live and has since been watched by a billion.  Imagine if a company had their brand name attached to that event.  How many eyes would have witnessed it?  How many companies are realizing now that it was a missed opportunity for brand recognition?

Bring On The Branding

With Nik Wallenda’s Skywire Grand Canyon Walk, The Discovery Channel “harnessed” the power of branding by sponsoring the man who walked across the Grand Canyon without a “harness”.

nik wallenda - branding

For this event Nik Wallenda’s shirt clearly displayed The Discovery Channel logo and a few other company logos. Another clear logo was Mitsubishi Motors and their 2013 Outlander was also featured in the pre-recorded Discovery Channel spots of Nik Wallenda’s days of trainging leading up to the walk.

Signs Of Great Business Branding

Finding ways to bring your company’s branding to the forefront is of upmost importance when it comes to running a successful business.  Although you may not be able to dole out the dollars to sponsor a world wide event, you can always contact local events and charities to see how your company can partner with them. Having your company logo on signs and banners can help establish you in your community and surrounding area.  Brand recognition will help you make a mark in the marketplace.

If you require any additional info when it comes to custom business signs and logos be sure to contact a professional to see how you can take your branding across the board with Store Front Signs, Vehicle Graphics and Walkway A-Frames.


Custom 3 Dimensional Signs Can Be Big For Business – Baden Coffee

A Big Bean For Baden Coffee

Finding ways to bring attention to a new location can cause difficulty for some businesses, but Baden Coffee knew just what to do for the opening of their sit down coffee shop and retail location.  They decided a 3 dimensional sign would be a great way to attract attention to their establishment and increase the findabilty of their location. Baden Coffee decided to create a landmark sculptural sign that would make their business highly visible to passers-by.  Over the years we have created several signs for Baden Coffee and they wanted to heighten the visibilty of their unique brands.

Unique Signs - The Sign DepotCustom Sign - Baden Coffee - The Sign Depot

 The 3 dimensional sign was created to extend their branding to the exterior of the store. A replica of the animated coffee bean from their logo

Business Logo Signs - The Sign Depot

 was constructed from Carved High Density Urethane (HDU) through the use of our CNC Router Table and a lathe to manufacture the rounded objects.

Below is photo recap of how the project evolved within our Sign Depot workshop.

CNC Signs - The Sign DepotHigh Density Urethane Signs - The Sign DepotCustom 3 Dimensional Business Signs - The Sign DepotLathe Signs - The Sign DepotCustom 3 Dimensional Sign - The Sign Depot

Artistic Finishing Touches

An artistic custom finish was applied to the sign scuplture. It included a styrocoat spray applied to the surface to harden the HDU (sign foam) and serve as a base for the paint to adhere to. Painting was done in stages and made to match the character logo for Baden Coffee.  Creating the custom paint finish for the Baden Coffee Bean sculpture added to the “look” of the 3 dimensional sign.

3 Dimensional Signs - The Sign Depot3 Dimensional Signs - Coffee Cup - The Sign Depot3 Dimensional Signs - The Sign Depot

Bringing In Big Business At Baden Coffee

After the Baden Coffee Big Coffee Bean was completed it was installed above the main entrance.  This 3 dimensional sign is sure to become a landmark for the Baden Coffee retail location and will attract the attention of the traffic passing by.

testimonial - The Sign Depot

3 dimensional sign - Baden Coffee - The Sign Depot

To see more pics of the Baden Coffee Team with the new BIG BEAN head over to their facebook Photo Gallery. To learn more about our 3 dimensional signs for business  and how they can create a branding buzz, be sure to check out Proportion Is Everything post.  There you will see how sculptural signs quickly become landmarks and a 24 advertisement for your company.



What Does Sign Making Have To Do With Movember? Community Involvement Is Just Part Of It

How The Sign Depot Made It Through MOVEMBER


Actually here at The Sign Depot, we think Movember has a lot in common with us!  Have you taken a good look at our logo?   Our brand is all about the moustache! Other similarities include our commitment to community involvement and finding ways to give back to a community that supports our business.  Perhaps the last thing that Sign Depot has in common with Movember is the appreciation for fine craftsmanship, whether it be in the form of a well crafted custom sign or well groomed moustache.  We see value and take pride in both art forms.

December 1st has now arrived, which means the end of Movember 2011.  This year the top fundraising (or should it be hair-raising) country for this year’s  Movember campaign is Canada.  Take a look at what all the Canadian MoBros and MoSistas accomplished.

  • Canada raised $36,901,445.00 from the 246,126 registered CITIZENS OF MOVEMBER Canada
  • In Ontario 107,074 people signed up  raising $14,892,613.37 in funds for Prostate Cancer Canada
  • Locally here in Kitchener Waterloo there were 4365 Movember particpants that together raised $394,746.70 & Counting!

As mentioned a month ago Sign Depot was ready for the Challenge! Peter grew a moustach inspired by the shop sandblasted logo sign.  In under 10 days he had a filled in moustache, so the challenge had been met.  By day 15 many of our clients dropping by commented on his participation and lots of great convos spurred from that.  When day 25 came around he was hoping the end would be near because he mentioned it was becoming irritaitingly itchy & then it happened.  Dec 1st the last day to wear the Mo’

Sandblasted Logo - The Sign Depot

This may be the last glimpse of it before he shaves the evidence.  I’m thinking for next year’s campaign we should re-name ourselves the The Sign DepMO’



The Sign Depot Makes It A Movember To Remember

If you stop by The Sign Depot this month you’ll see that things have gotten a little HAIRY!

Yes we’re busy working away as always, but the Hairy I’m referring to is the facial hair kind. You know the fuzzy stuff on the upper lip.

What Does Movember Have To Do With Custom Wood Signs?

Peter Moir the Owner/President of Sign Depot has signed on to participate in Movember Canada this year.  Being that the main logo for The Sign Depot Inc. features a Moustached fellow it makes for a perfect fit! What else do moustaches and signs have in common?  A custom carved sign makes an impression the way a well groomed  Movember moustache does.  They both get people talking and raise awaremess.  Whether it is for a business or for an non-for profit, getting noticed is an important part of making a great impression.

The Sign Depot Logo

More About Movember

For those who have not heard about Movember, it is a charitible organization formed to raise awareness about Men’s Health issues.  Being part of a community of those willing to help others is something we here at The Sign Depot can get on board with!  Being supportive to those is need is a great way to connect with the community  you are based in.  Find ways to get involved and you will know what it feels like to be part of something bigger.  All it takes is a little initiative and some creative thinking.

Rick Mercer is known for his rants, but see what he has to say about Prostate Health and his involvement with the Movember community.



Want to be more involved in Movember? Join a team and follow all the fun on the facebook page 

See what you can do to raise awarness about Movember and Prostate Cancer Canada. Help make this a Movember To Remember


Visibility Is KEY When It Comes To Custom Business Signs


Notice The Signs

If you check out President Peter’s Sign Tips in our latest newsletter you’ll know how to measure your Letter Height vs. Viewing Distance.  The first pic shows just how large the dimensional letters are in comparison to the installer’s height. 

Custom Business Signs - The Sign Depot

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The second pic shows how your business name looks in proportion to your building and the view from the public eye.


Elements Of Sign Design

The key to your business being visible is creating custom business signs that reflect what your company is all about.  Choosing letter styles that suit the business name and logo are important parts of the branding process.  Always make sure to consult a professional sign designer when it comes to your company’s sign needs.  They know all about design as well as sign requirements and quite often can take care of the sign permit process for you. Sign designers take many factors into consideration when it come professional sign design.  Some elements in sign design include
  • textures and materials that compliment your company’s building
  • positive and negative space and how it works together
  • colours and graphics that bring out the best of your brand
  • size matters, as you can see from the examples above

Visibility and Findabilty Go Hand In Hand When It Comes To Signs

Once a custom business sign’s initial design has been approved, it is then in the hands of the sign production department to ensure that the sign design will work well in the space provided.  Producing a custom sign that is visible to both vehicle traffice and those walking past your business is always what we strive for here at The Sign Depot. Making it easy for your potential clients to find you is very important and standing out from your competitors gives you and edge in the marketplace.  In this instance bold lettering with a gold finish gives the Langford Canoe sign clean look with a clear message of the proud Canadian company provided by the logo of a beaver. In addition the Gold coloured letters were attached to black backers to provide an outline in order to make the letters stand out against the white siding on the building. What changes are you making to your exterior this Spring?
