Notice The Signs
If you check out
President Peter’s Sign Tips in our latest
newsletter you’ll know how to measure your Letter Height vs. Viewing Distance. The first pic shows just how large the dimensional letters are in comparison to the installer’s height.

The second pic shows how your business name looks in proportion to your building and the view from the public eye.

Elements Of Sign Design
The key to your business being visible is creating custom business signs that reflect what your company is all about. Choosing letter styles that suit the business name and logo are important parts of the branding process. Always make sure to consult a
professional sign designer when it comes to your company’s sign needs. They know all about design as well as sign requirements and quite often can take care of the
sign permit process for you. Sign designers take many factors into consideration when it come professional sign design. Some elements in sign design include
- textures and materials that compliment your company’s building
- positive and negative space and how it works together
- colours and graphics that bring out the best of your brand
- size matters, as you can see from the examples above
Visibility and Findabilty Go Hand In Hand When It Comes To Signs
Once a custom business sign’s initial design has been approved, it is then in the hands of the sign production department to ensure that the sign design will work well in the space provided. Producing a custom sign that is visible to both vehicle traffice and those walking past your business is always what we strive for here at The Sign Depot. Making it
easy for your potential clients to find you is very important and standing out from your competitors gives you and edge in the marketplace. In this instance bold lettering with a gold finish gives the Langford Canoe sign clean look with a clear message of the
proud Canadian company provided by the logo of a beaver. In addition the Gold coloured letters were attached to black backers to provide an outline in order to make the letters stand out against the white siding on the building.
What changes are you making to your exterior this Spring?