Signs, Sticks and Superbowl. Why Brands Need To Build Community Spirit

Setting The Stage With Your Signage
By now you have saw the majority of ads that will be played during Superbowl XLVI, but this one is the real Standout. The Signs
At no point in this commercial are there any beer bottles being opened or draught beer being poured. The only representation of the brand during this commercial is through the signage. It starts with the little signs on the announcers’ microphones, but then the 1:11 mark of the vid is when the impact of the banners hit. After that the brand image is shown on the arena boards. The brand message shows up at the end, displayed on the screen.
Creating Impact Through Community Involvment
Finding a way to impact a community is a great way to bring your brand to the masses . They become your audience and you just might convert some of those community members into clients for your business. Whether the community you hope to reach is online, watching on a television or in a hockey arena you need find creative ways to grab their attention and get them to recognize your brand and what it can do for them. Choosing new marketing ideas like social media, can be challenging, but creating a community of ambassadors for your brand keeps your business top of mind for many. Many don’t realize marketing is different than sales. Marketing is about bringing your business to market. Where do you fit in with your competition? The best marketers know that a community makes your brand. It’s how they feel about your business. That is what can give you the edge over your competitors and in turn can bring you more clients. Find a community to market to and do it in a way that makes them feel appreciated. Choose your method of communication. This brand chose signage. We commend them for that.
Not once through the commercial is the brand name spoken of. They let the signs speak for themselves.

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