Sustainable Wood Signs Add Charm To Heritage Building

Tucked behind Kitchener’s High Tech Hub, otherwise known as Communitech at the Tannery, sits another heritage site that has been transformed into a tech office space. The building at 5 Michael St. in Kitchener Ontario was once shoe factory. It is situated between Victoria Park and Downtown Kitchener, which makes it great place to be when you want to be in the heart of the city. There are many historic features that make this building unique, and give it much of its charm. Choosing custom wood signs for the building’s exterior made for a great fit. These outdoor signs were created to match the look of the building and serve as a warm greeting for this landmark. The selection of wood enhances the exterior and creates sustainable signage for the century old construction.
Sustainable Wood Signs
The trend in the Canadian Construction Industry is headed back to wood. The properties of wood make for strong structures and is one of our country’s top renewable resources.
According to Architect Michael Green in a Global TV interview from earlier this year “The North American forest grows enough wood every four minutes to build a 100-foot, eight-storey tall office.”
Additionally, our custom wood signs, made from western red cedar, are rot resistant. This gives companies the confidence that their signs have a lot of longevity and will not need constant replacing. Even if the sign did suffer some damage, often we can repair it, then add a coat of fresh paint and it looks brand new. We are proud that our wood signs stay out of landfills and are made from a sustainable material.
Branding a Building with Signs
As in the case of 5 Michael St. the exterior signs also serve as a branding tool.

The signs are clear and concise. The choice of fonts with the gold leaf finish eliminates the need for graphics and gives the signs a classic clean look. With these highly visible signs adorning the building’s exterior, it gives those arriving a sense of what they can expect once they enter the doors. These signs represent the sophisticated space that pays tribute to the hard work that the building was known for. Make sure your signage reflects your brand and lets potential clients know what they can expect from your company.
For more information on exterior business signs, be sure to visit our CONTACT US page connect with our expert sign designers.

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