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Custom Cabin, Cottage and Farm Signs Made from Canadian Cedar

Creating Your Custom Signs
When it comes creating a custom sign for your cabin, cottage or farm we have two different methods to suit your needs. Each option has its own advantages when it comes to western red cedar signs. The first method involves a template for those not sure where to start and the second method works well for those that know exactly what they require. Either choice gives you options that work within your budget and creativity.
Sign Templates for Custom Wood Signs
For those wanting to create a custom sign but needing a little assistance when it comes to the look of their sign we suggest choosing our Template option.

Just pick one of the sign designs at and click on the preferred image. When the webpage for that sign loads, fill in the Text on Sign field with the name and/or words you wish to have on that sign. Above that choose the option of the Single Sided sign price or the Double Sided sign price and then click Add to Cart. Finish the shipping and payment info and your sign will be shipped to you soon. This is also a great option for gifts! Whether it is for Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day or a Wedding Gift, a custom Canadian cedar sign is always appreciated for any occasion.
Fully Customized Signs
If you need a more customization than our template signs offer, then we suggest our custom crafted western red cedar signs as a better fit. While they are a higher price-point than our template signs, a fully customized sign can be manufactured by our expert sign makers to fit your needs. You select the size, shape, colours, images and text that you require on your wood sign and it is made to your specifications. These signs are fantastic for cottage or cabin signs or for family farm signs to carry on tradition and highlight heritage. To get started visit our CONTACT US page and email us your request.

DIY Backyard Games – Great Ideas For Your Cottage or Cabin
Crafty Ideas For Your Cottage / Cabin Life

Here at The Sign Depot we have become fast fans of Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman’s Making It competition TV show. Each week the show’s crafters, known as the makers, take on challenges to create unique items for each competition.
In essence, that is what our signmakers do here on a day to day basis when they are creating custom cottage signs and other unique structures. This show has inspired us to connect with some bloggers about their DIY projects that can add some family fun to your cottage, cabin or even your backyard. Below is a list of do it yourself backyard games that we think you will enjoy making and playing in the great outdoors.
DIY Backyard Games
DIY Nerf Target

See how to tackle this target at
Outdoor Patio DIY Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Learn how to put this together at
Ring Toss and other Carnival Themed Games

Check out this list of outdoor games like Ring Toss and Balloon Down at
More Outdoor Fun This Summer
For those that want to mix it up without too much crafting, check out these lists of outdoor games at and and
Even those with little ones can enjoy some outdoor activities with ideas from
Many people can be put these games together with household items like tin cans, string, disposable cups, t-shirts, sidewalk chalk or even pool noodles to create obstacle courses.
We have been known to put together some fun games as well. We have made CUSTOM CORNHOLE BOARDS and even some BRANDED PLINKO GAMES for businesses.
Getting Crafty at The Cottage
Is there a backyard game you have made for your cottage, cabin or backyard? Post about it in the comments! We love to get inspired by our readers’ crafting abilities. Don’t have a unique backyard game? That’s okay. Try one of the ones above and tell us how it turned out. Let us know if you invited extended family or neighbours to try them out too. To ensure they find your cottage with ease you should consider an address/lot marker or a sandblasted cottage sign like the ones pictured below. To learn more visit our CONTACT US page and send us a note!

Long Weekend Road Trips and Custom Cottage Signs
Road Trips and Tourist Attractions
We want to ensure your long weekend is a fun one. The best way is to have a great plan in place. Start by checking out our ROAD TRIP PACKING LIST post to see our list of the TOP 10 items you should make sure you pack for your next road trip. Now that you have everything in place it’s time to download a playlist for the trip. We have created one full of songs about driving and travel. Have a look at our ROAD TRIP PLAYLIST to see if you agree with our selections. We think it will help you chill out on the journey.

While some times the road trip is about the journey, other times it’s about the destination. We have a great list of Ontario Tourist Attractions that might peak your interest. We would love to know which ones you have visited and which ones you plan to. Perhaps you might even be interested in some of the Historic Sites in the picture below.

Cottage Country and Custom Cottage Signs
Maybe a trip to the cottage is more your style. We have lots of info to ensure you have a fun time at the cottage. Hopefully our road trip lists above have helped you enjoy the trip to cottage country and now that you have arrived it is time to enjoy long weekend. Bird watching is great way to pass the time at the cottage. Learn about some of the more popular birds we have put on cottage signs by visiting our post about the NATIONAL BIRD PROJECT.

Another great thing about spending time at a cottage is cooking over an open flame. You can see our list of recipes to try at your cottage or cabin by checking out our CAMPFIRE RECIPE list. Are you having guests join you at the cottage? Make sure they can spot your site with an address marker or family cottage sign.

We hope these ideas help with your long weekend!

Crafting Custom Cedar Wood Signs For Christmas

Cottage Signs For Christmas
When the weather starts to get chilly and everyone heads indoors to Hygge, we start preparing our cedar signs for the Christmas season. Every year we receive requests for Cottage Signs for Christmas Gifts. They make a unique gift and each cedar cottage sign can be personalized to an individual’s taste. This means they become a timeless gift that can be displayed with pride all year long.
Wood Signs That Weather Well
While there are several types of wood signs, we prefer to use Canadian Western Red Cedar for our cottage signs because of the longevity of the wood. Cedar holds up against the elements and with our 4 seasons ranging from heat and humidity in the summer to the freezing temperatures and moisture in the winter it is the best choice for custom signage.
We Make What Works For You

Our custom sign designers keep your budget in mind when it comes to creating a cottage sign that meets your specifications. You are able to select the size, shape, text and image for your sign. You can also decide if the sign is to be a single sided or a double sided sandblasted wood sign. You even has the option of having a custom post created to match your sign. With all of this choice, you are sure to find a mix that works for you.
What You Need To Provide When Ordering A Sign For Christmas

Because you want to ensure you receive your quote in a timely fashion, follow these steps
- Know your budget
- Decide on a size
- Figure out the shape you want the sign to be
- Provide the text to be on the sign
- Think of an image that would suit the sign
Once you have prepared these five items, send an email to to receive your quote. Please note that taxes, shipping and/or installation are extra. Be aware the earlier you get your order in the better, as there will be time required to prepare and custom finish your sign.

The Sign Depot – @ The Top Of Canada
Peter Moir of The Sign Depot Heads To The Top of Canada
Last month Peter Moir, owner/president of The Sign Depot went on his yearly canoe trip. This year his trip took him to the top of Canada. He and his canoe group headed to Baffin Island, Nunavut to explore the Mount Joy area of the Soper River. The Soper River, now deemed a heritage river in Canada, is region full of wildlife, including polar bears!
The summer days are extended in Baffin Island. With only a few hours of darkness you can explore the area at length each day. As you can see Peter was able to find great scenery along his canoeing adventure.
A lot of planning went into preparing for this trip. Here are just a few things to think about when planning a canoe trip vacation.
How To Plan A Canoe Trip
- Research the area – Make sure you are aware of the rules and regulations for that area
- Travel light – Everything you need has to be transported by canoe or carried by you
- Make it waterproof – Keep your belongings in a watertight container to avoid damage
- Capture the moment – Remember your camera so you are able to photograph your adventure
These are just a few things to think about when planning a canoe trip. The best way to prepare is to speak to someone with a lot of paddling experience.
Summer Vacation
How are you spending your summer vacation? Are you planning a canoe trip or something else? Perhaps a long trek, or a relaxing time at a cottage or cabin? Which ever you choose we hope you get to spend some time enjoying the outdoors this summer. It won’t be long until the winter starts to creep in and we’ll be talking about hygge once again.

Custom Sign Design With Hygge In Mind
What Is Hygge?
Are you wondering what’s with all the hype around hygge? In last month’s post we talked about the Norweign technique of Rosemaling. This month we thought we would try to explain the idea of Danish Hygge Design. According to “The high season of hygge is Christmas, when Danes pull out all the hygge stops. Danish winters are long and dark, and so the Danes fight the darkness with their best weapon: hygge”, but it also goes on to explain that you that you can still experience hygge in the summer. “Picnics in the park, barbeques with friends, outdoor concerts, street festivals and bike rides can all be very hygge”. The concept of hygge is best explained in the video below.
Custom Sign Design With Hygge In Mind
Hygge is a state of mind and incorporating hygge into and establishment can start with a custom sign design. Just like the video shown above, the idea of bicycles, comfort and coffee became a great recipe for the Berlin Bicycle Cafe. The custom sign and rooftop bicycle structure outside let you know about the inviting atmosphere you will find inside their cafe. Extending the concept from the exterior to the interior makes for cohesive design conditions and gives the people an idea of what to expect while they spend time in that space.
Bring Hygge To Your Home Or Home Away From Home
According to the website Psychologies, Scandinavian interior design is inspired by hygge through the use of tea lights and cosy throws draped over a sofa, but in an interview on Wired, it states that because of the severe weather in the area, they create very nice surroundings for their interiors. This is also why they create high end furniture and lighting. Finding the right mix for both inside and outside your home or cottage can create an inviting environment for your family and friends.

Custom Campground Signs For Tim Horton Children’s Foundation Memorial Camp
Time To Sign Up For Camp
This is the time of year when many families are spending summer their vacation time at cottages and campgrounds. It may be for fun in the sun, canoeing in lake or cooking over a campfire. To ensure that children that may not have an opportunity to experience the outdoors in that way get a chance to, the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation sends kids to camp through sponsorship and the funds raised at their annual CAMP DAY.
Custom Signs For Campground Operations
Running a summer camp has many challenges and often custom signs can assist with some organizational logistics. Whether it be for wayfinding on the grounds or organizing cabin groups, signage can help simplify tasks for camp administrators. The Tim Horton Memorial Camp decided that their signs needed to be a mix of bright and bold signage to clarify what needed to be where for their camp. Below are a few examples of signs that the expert sign-makers here at The Sign Depot created for the campground.
Creating Summer Memories
We think that camping is a great way to create lasting summer memories. It also teaches responsibility, how to problem solve and it creates a co-operative atmosphere among the campers. Developing these skills through fun and team work will help kids function in today’s world, and it helps create the confident, motivated leaders of tomorrow. We hope you take the opportunity to get outdoors this summer. It can help you stay active, enjoy the what nature has to offer and may just change your perspective on things. Do you have a summer camp experience that you want to share with us? We would love to hear it. All you have to do is leave a comment at the end of this post.
For more information on how you can help send kids to Tim Horton Children’s Foundation Memorial Camp be sure to visit their donation page.

Did You Notice The Signs Of Spring?
Spring Has Sprung At The Sign Depot
Have you noticed the signs of spring? While many look for robins and tulip blooms we have a whole different set of spring occurrences here at The Sign Depot. It begins with a plethora of phone calls and emails related to these topics
- Spring Trade Show Signs – see how unique your booth can look by visiting our CUSTOM SIGNS AND BOOTHS FOR TRADE SHOW SEASON post.
- Weathered Signs In Need Of Repair – learn how quickly a damaged sign can be replaces on our DAMAGE CONTROL post.
- Mother’s Day Gifts – whether you are looking for a stone garden sign or a cedar residential sign, we can personalize it to your Mom’s liking. Read more at MOTHER’S DAY ENGRAVED SIGNS.
- Cleaning An Exterior Sign – we have complied a great list of ways to spring clean your outdoor signs. Take a look at HOW TO SPRING CLEAN YOUR CUSTOM EXTERIOR SIGNS for some tips and tricks.
After the spring basics listed above are in place our next steps usually involve preparing for the summer season. What that means is we assist many golf courses and seasonal venues with their preparations for their busy season.
The last sign of spring we see is when we begin receiving requests for quotes on custom cedar cottage signs. Whether your cottage is a summer vacation home in Muskoka, or a cabin on the Grand River we can customize our wood signs to match your style and taste.
We are very happy to say we are ready for spring here at The Sign Depot no matter what Mother Nature sends our way over the next few weeks. Are you ready for spring? Take a look at your signs. Could they use a spring refresh? If so, be sure to visit our CONTACT US page to see how we can help.

Best Campfire Recipes To Try Out At Your Cottage Or Cabin
Creating A Campfire For More Than Marshmallows

Now that the warm weather is here, many become weekend warriors and head for their cottage or cabin. There are only so many roasted marshmallows that one can eat over the summer, so here is our list of the best campfire recipes for you to try this cottage season.
Best Campfire Recipes
Stock up on tinfoil and long bbq tongs, heavy duty metal skewers and oven mitts . It’s time to take campfire cooking to the next level!
Campfire Corn On The Cob
Leave the husks on your ears of corn and soak them in a bucket or cooler of water for an hour. Next with either use your long bbq tongs or heavy duty metal skewers (depending on grip or weight) to roast the corn over the open flame until the husk becomes a very dark brown. Set roasted corn aside to let the steam to do the work and finish the cooking. After that put on your oven mitts and remove the husks from the corn and serve.
Spider Hot Dogs
This brings a bit of fun to the typical weiner roast. Start by scoring cross or x pattern into the ends of the hot dog with a knife. You are begining to start the legs of the spider. Now slice into your scoring a bit but not too far into the weiner. You don’t want the legs to char and fall off. Then insert your metal skewer into the hot dog and roast over the campfire. As it cooks you will see 4 legs form on each end of the hot dog, because as the weiner roasts the ends begin to curl up.
Tacos In A Bag
Being that your are at the cottage/cabin chances are you plan on grilling some hamburgers. Put a few extra on the grill and save the leftovers for this campfire recipe.
Start with a small bag of nacho chips (Doritos work best as their bags are foil lined and chips are flavoured already). Squish the bag a bit to crunch up the chips into smaller bite size pieces. Next chop up your cooked burgers and taco toppings (lettuce, peppers, cheese etc). Open the top of the nacho chip bag, add the toppings, roll up the top and give it a good shake. Then use the bbq tongs to hold the bags over the fire so that the cheese melts. Next set aside until the nacho chip bags are cool enough to hold. Slowly and carefully open the bags to let out the steam. Then once the bag and toppings are cool to the touch, eat the concoction right out of the bag, splitting it down the side as you get deeper into the filling (or eat with forks).
Campfire Cones
Think of it as all the fun of s’mores in an easier to manage ice cream cone. Begin with a sugar cone and fill with your sweet toppings, marshmallows, chocolate chips, caramel sauce, berries or any dessert toppings you like. Wrap the cone in foil. Use the bbq tongs to hold the package cone over the campfire to cook the ingredients. After that, let it cool and unwrap this portable dessert.
Memorable Moments At The Summer Cottage / Family Cabin
We know that campfires are just one of the memorable moments at the summer cottage and/or family cabin. Let us know in the comment section if you have traditions for your summer vacation getaways to the lake. We want to know what makes it memorable for you. You may even want to incorporate those memories into a custom cottage sign.
Our expert sign designers can craft a custom wood cottage sign with the text, colours and graphics that are personalized to your satisfaction. Visit our CONTACT US page for more information.
For additional Outdoor Living Ideas check out the One Big Outdoor Extravaganza post

Keep Your Custom Cottage Signs In Tip Top Shape And Other Cottage Closing Tips
5 Websites To Help You Close Your Cottage For The Winter
Wondering how to close your cottage for the winter? We have compiled a list of 5 websites with great information on how to properly close your cottage, cabin, or lake house property for the year.
- Cottage Life – Gives a thourough two day plan on how to close a cottage
- Cottage Tips – Has tips on both your interior and exterior property winterization
- Canada Safety Council – Helps to prevent break ins and loss of property during the off season
- – Cottage Home & Property Showcase – Provides info on how to keep critters out of your cottage
- Canadian Home Trends – Adds a great checklist for those closing down their cottage for the winter
One More Cottage Tip
If you have a custom wood cottage signs, there are a few steps you can take to add longevity to your cedar signs.
Wash it with soap and water. A mild liquid dish detergent will do the trick
Let it dry
Give it a polish with a spray car wax (ie Turtle Wax)
This will add luster to the wood sign and serve as a protectant against the winter elements.
In the spring just wash off the wax coat and you are good to go. Our custom paint finishes last for approximately 7-10 years depending on the area your cottage sign is located and how much sun it gets. After that we suggest bringing it in for refurbishing. Refurbishing means we sand it down to remove the flaking paint and then recoat the cedar sign with brand new paint. Your sign will look like new!
Looking for ideas for custom cedar cottage signs? There are lots of personalization options to choose from. Be sure to visit our CONTACT US page to connect with one of our expert signmakers.