The Sign Depot

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How Custom Signs Solve Problems For Companies

Farm Market Signs - Custom Business Signs

Many companies are in need of solutions when it comes to their business. Whether it is marketing their business to the public, promoting a new product to existing and potential clients, or just making it easier for customers to navigate your establishment, custom signs can solve many of these issues. Choosing a sign solution can alleviate many hardships from a company and bring them to the forefront of the marketplace. Signs can assist businesses in expanding their customer base and in turn, help to increase sales. Turning potential customers into repeat customers is always a great way to do business. Below are a few examples of signs that solve problems.

Exterior Signs

If you have a brick and mortar business, then a dimensional exterior signs can help attract new customers to your store, restaurant, salon, spa, factory, industrial space etc. Exterior signs serve as a 24 hour advertisement for your business and put your company on display in the best way.

Custom  Exterior Business Sign - The Sign Depot

They come in both lit and non-lit formats and heighten your company’s recognition, which can elevate your business to high performing brand. When contacting a sign company about an exterior sign it is best to understand what message you want to convey to the public. Remember less is more. Many exterior signs are only noticed for a moment by passers-by so you want your sign to represent the quality your company can offer them. An outdoor sign with too much info can look busy or become confusing to the passing traffic.

Show Signs

Even if you don’t have a brick and mortar business, custom signs are still important. Many business choose trade shows, consumer shows, public exhibitions and conferences to market their company. Many of these shows have similar vendors and as a company you will want to stand out from the sea of competitors. This is where custom displays and signs can help people seek you out. Several businesses will prop up banners and do promotional giveaways, but the trick is to get them to your area to see all you have to offer. Our sign solution for that is a customized Plinko game. It displays your brand and makes enough noise to capture the attention of those in attendance.

Plinko Game - The Great Canadian Meat Company - The Sign Depot

Plus, by gamifying the process, those who chose to participate will take away a memorable experience with your company.

Directional and Way-finding Signs

Directional and Way-finding signs are often overlooked by companies. These signs assist with the user experience. If you ever been to a building and have to ask where to find the elevator, or the route to the washroom then you know how uncomfortable that can be. To save your customers from having to ask such awkward questions, then you need to have easy to understand way-finding signs. These signs range from clear floor directories, welcoming reception areas, parking lot signs, room numbers and hallway directional arrows.

Directory Signs - The Sign Depot

These are just some of the sign solutions we can provide. For signs that are as unique as your business, and provide a great customer experience, please visit our CONTACT US page and connect with one of our sign professionals.


This Custom Wood Sign Will Have You Wanting to Climb Every Mountain

Custom Wood Mountain Sign - The Sign Depot

When it comes to sandblasted cedar signs we have created a many custom wood signs with a variety of images. There have been beach scenes, cottage and lake views, wild birds, family pets and farms just to name a few, but this request for mountains was truly special. We were contacted through our facebook page about creating a mountain and water scene with an address number and a family name. In addition, the mountains were to be snow capped as that is how the back drop of their vacation home looks in spring. We wanted to climb every mountain to make this happen.

Our expert sign designers created a sign design to match the required expectations and our sign-makers went to work on crafting the western red cedar sign for them.

Sandblasted Western Red Cedar Signs

For those not familiar with western red cedar, it is also known as thuja plicata, a rot-resistant wood. This makes it the best choice for our custom wood signs.

All of our cedar signs are created to handle all kinds of weather. Knowing it would be going to an area that has snow covered mountains had everyone here thrilled to know that one of our signs would be going to such a different climate. The process began with a cedar blank that was cnc router cut to the requested shape. Then it a sandblast stencil overlay was applied prior to sandblasting. After the sign was prepped it was ready for the sandblasting. The process of sandblasting wood involves sandblast grit carving the wood through the use of a pressure hose. After the sign is carved to the preferred depth, the sign was sanded to create a smooth surface for finishing. The exterior grade paint finish was then applied to sign to complete the project.

Rocky Mountain High

After the sign was shipped, the customer installed it at their vacation property and sent us this image.

Cottage Sign, Vacation Property - The Sign Depot

You can see the snow covered mountain range in the background which are highlighted on the sign. We were over the moon, or should we say mountain, when we received this picture. You might say we were on a Rocky Mountain High!

If you need a custom wood sign made, please visit our CONTACT US page.


Spellbinding Custom Sign For The Toronto Harry Potter Themed Store Curiosa

Custom Sign - Curiosa - The Sign Depot

Many Are Curious About Curiosa

Over the last few weeks there has been a lot of buzz about the Harry Potter themed store that popped up in Toronto. With both Halloween and Christmas around the corner, the timing for the store’s opening couldn’t be better.  This shop is sure to be a favourite for eclectic collectors, board game fans, movie fanatics, aspiring magicians and “would be” wizards. Curiosa is a retail shop branded as Toronto’s Purveyors of Extraordinary Things.  Their establishment stocks mystical, magical, magnificent items and they needed their sign to reflect that.

Custom Sign Crafted For Curiosa

The sign for the Curiosa store was created from western red cedar.  The sign was sandblasted on both sides with the store name and logo. It was given a dark finish with white highlights.  This keeps with the colour scheme of the the store but also makes it highly visible to vehicle traffic and those passing by on foot.

Findability is key when it comes to opening a new retail store.  The storefront must be welcoming and the sign should generate interest about what can be found inside.  In this case, the sign sparks curiosity about what can be found on the other side of the door through the use of the image of an eye peaking through the keyhole. It brings the idea of a “focal point” to a whole new level. Do you recall the FLYING KEYS scene in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone?

The idea that this shop might provide the keyhole for one of those flying keys makes it even more mysterious!

Crafting signs to reflect the business it will represent is something we take pride in and we are thrilled to see the attention this sign is grabbing.

We Want To Put A Spell On You

When it comes to creating business signs, we can create something spellbinding for your company too.  All it takes is a visit to our CONTACT US page to connect with us.



How Custom Sign Design Can Be Defined By Lagom

What Is Lagom?

Last time we spoke of trends, the word HYGGE was a hot topic. Nowadays the LAGOM is on the tip of every tastemaker’s tongue.  In fact it’s in Vogue – literally. Not sure what lagom is? The concept of lagom is similar to the old adage “everything in moderation”.  By definition the same rings true when it comes to custom sign design.

Lagom - Carriage Crossing - Custom Sign - The Sign Depot

What Does Lagom Have To Do With Sign Design?

Your sign should show your business offerings but not overwhelm potential clients.  Just like lagom your sign needs just the right amount of contact information combined with your branding. You want your text, choice of font and logo to compliment your brand. When all three of these design elements work together you have a winning combination for your sign design.

Lagom - Custom Sign - Just Fix It - The Sign Depot

By keeping the text on your sign simple and concise, people are able to focus in on your specialty. Choosing a clear font ensures your sign is legible from a variety of distances. Having a well designed logo gives everyone an idea what to expect from your company.

Alternatively, if you try to put too much messaging on your sign, use too many fonts and an oversized logo, then it looks too busy and people will find it confusing.  You want your sign to be eye-catching but not an eye sore.

Find The Right Fit

So are signs HYGGE or LAGOM?  We think they can be a combination of both. Just the right amount of information designed to add warmth to your establishment.

Award Winning Business Sign - The Sign Depot

By putting these concepts together in one sign design creates a synergy that can elevate your brand in the marketplace, giving your company a high level of visibility and potentially attracting new customers to your business.  The expert sign designers here at The Sign Depot are here to help you find the right fit for your business. Visit our CONTACT US page to speak with one of them. To keep up with signage trends stay tuned to this blog.


Canadian Moose Replica – Custom Signs And Props

Crafting A Custom Sign To Create A Canadian Moose Head Replica

We often talk about our custom signs being shipped all over North America but today, as we enter the Canada Day Long Weekend celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday we thought we would show you a Canadian symbol that was recently shipped to a U.S. client.

In the image above you can see in the bottom row of images that the project was created in several steps. It began with creating a structure from High Density Urethane otherwise know as HDU.  The pieces of HDU were carved to match the shape of the moose head, then they were layered to create dimension.  Once the moose head took shape it was given a custom paint finish with a texture element to replicate the look of a moose’s coat.  Then its features were finished to give it a more comical look.  Once all of the elements were completed the finished project  was shipped to our customer. It will serve as a wall hanging for the client which we are sure will become quite a conversation piece.

Creating Dimensional Signs, Props And Replicas

If you follow our blog you know that we get lots of requests that include the Canadian Moose along with other animals that are symbols of Canada.

Canadian Custom Sign - The Sign Depot Canadian Custom Sign - The Sign Depot

If you find yourself looking for a custom sign, dimensional or otherwise, please visit our CONTACT US page.  From there you can email us with the project you are looking to have created. Just send your contact info along with what you are interested in, the size you are looking for and another specifics would like included.  Our sign designers will provide you with a quote for your approval and then the process can begin.

For more examples of our work visit our website and choose our portfolio tab.  There you will see all the types of custom signs we can create.

Happy Canada 150!


Everyone Is Flocking To The Sign Depot To Check Our Our Custom Signs

News Travels Fast

It was just last fall that we mentioned that The Gray Jay might be the next big thing for custom cottage signs. Well we guess the word must have got out about it as we had some new visitors in our neighbourhood this morning.

What began as post on our facebook page about potential customers…..

….. almost became reality as this pair of geese ended up at The Sign Depot’s front entrance.

We assured them that they are still very popular choice when it comes to cedar cottage signs.

Canadian Custom Sign - The Sign Depot

They seemed satisfied with our answer and were on their way to check out all of the fresh new lawns on the street.

Bird Watching

While the Canada Goose has always been a popular choice for cottage signs, other birds have made appearances as well.


Cottage Sign Loon - The Sign Depot



Custom Sign - Cardinal - The Sign Depot

and even Chickens

Each of these signs were custom made to the clients specifications and bird preference. If any of the above images leave you feeling peckish for your own custom sign, you can see below just how easy it is to have one created to suit your needs.  Perhaps you might want to get them for the whole family “because birds of a feather, flock together” or so they say.

Create Your Own Custom Cottage Sign

Here at The Sign Depot we can create any wood sign to fit your style. Just supply us with the size, shape, text, colour scheme and what type of graphic you would like to see on it and we can send you a free quote. All it takes is a visit to our CONTACT US page to get started.  You may want to get on that quickly as these bird themed custom signs “are flying out of here” and the staff might be on a hunt for some Golden Eggs that the pair of geese may have left behind. Want to keep up on other bird happenings here? Visit our twitter page @TheSignDepot and send us a “TWEET”


Custom Signs That Leave A Lasting Impression

Who Said It First?

No one really knows who coined the phrase

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression!”

While, this rings true when it comes to storefront signage and reception signs, but our stance here at The Sign Depot is a little different.

Because you never get a second chance to make a first impression, make sure your signage leaves a lasting one.

We want your business to look impressive from the moment that a potential customer sees it, but we want your company signage to leave a lasting impression as well. Choosing to brand your business with custom signs is the best way to ensure your company is memorable.  This is of great importance when it comes to current clients recommending your business to others.  They want to refer their friends and colleagues to well established professionals.  If your signs don’t convey that sentiment there is less of a chance that your will get that word of mouth recommendation.

What Do Your Custom Signs Say About Your Business?

Business Signs For Outdoor Exposure - The Sign Depot

Springtime is always a good time to take a look at your building’s curb appeal.  Take some time to pass by your business.  See how it looks to those traveling past in a vehicle or just walking by.  Will they be impressed by what they see? What is your signage saying about your business? If it’s not conveying the message that you are the expert in your industry, it would be a good idea to change it. You may just change the impression of your business in your community.

Have The Last Word

Choosing to create a custom sign that elevates your brand is the best way to make a statement both visually and in your field of business.  It acts as a 24 hour advertisement for your company, so be sure to consult the expertise of a professional sign company.  They will make recommendations that fit your business and your budget. Your custom sign might start a conversation with a potential customer or help influence a decision maker looking for a new supplier. Here at The Sign Depot we want to ensure your company is always top of mind and leaves a lasting impression.

Sign Depot Yellow Pages  


Custom Sign Design With Hygge In Mind

Hygge Design - Custom Sign - The Sign Depot

What Is Hygge?

Are you wondering what’s with all the hype around hygge? In last month’s post we talked about the Norweign technique of Rosemaling.  This month we thought we would try to explain the idea of Danish Hygge Design. According to “The high season of hygge is Christmas, when Danes pull out all the hygge stops. Danish winters are long and dark, and so the Danes fight the darkness with their best weapon: hygge”, but  it also goes on to explain that you that you can still experience hygge in the summer. “Picnics in the park, barbeques with friends, outdoor concerts, street festivals and bike rides can all be very hygge”. The concept of hygge is best explained in the video below.

Custom Sign Design With Hygge In Mind


I think it's a sign #gettingcloser #bikesandcoffee

A photo posted by Berlin Bicycle Cafe <gr> (@berlinbicyclecafe) on

Hygge is a state of mind and incorporating hygge into and establishment can start with a custom sign design.  Just like the video shown above, the idea of bicycles, comfort and coffee became a great recipe for the Berlin Bicycle Cafe.  The custom sign and rooftop bicycle structure outside let you know about the inviting atmosphere you will find inside their cafe. Extending the concept from the exterior to the interior makes for cohesive design conditions and gives the people an idea of what to expect while they spend time in that space.

Bring Hygge To Your Home Or Home Away From Home

 According to the website Psychologies, Scandinavian interior design is inspired by hygge through the use of tea lights and cosy throws draped over a sofa, but in an interview on Wired, it states that because of the severe weather in the area, they create very nice surroundings for their interiors.  This is also why they create high end furniture and lighting.  Finding the right mix for both inside and outside your home or cottage can create an inviting environment for your family and friends.

Cottage Sign Loon - The Sign Depot



The Importance Of Custom Signs – Global Entrepreneurship Week

Global Entrepreneurship Week Information

Mid November means the start of Global Entrepreneurship Week.  This is a week for entrepreneurs world wide to celebrate their accomplishments and tackle new goals. It is also a time for governments to look how to assist businesses from a political point of view.  Here at Sign Depot we recognize Global Entrepreneurship Week as a time for companies to look towards the new year and see how their custom signs can be refreshed to increase brand awareness and push sales.

How Custom Signs Assist Entrepreneurs

Whether you are a startup, an expanding business, a family run business or a business to business company, the right kind of custom signs can elevate your company in the marketplace.  Below are a few examples of businesses that use custom signs as part of their marketing strategy.

Supporting Startups With Custom Signs

Thamlic Labs is a great example of a company that began as a startup in the Communitech Tannery building an has gone from tech startup to an Internet of Things business.

Custom 3 Dimensional Sign - Thalmic Labs - The Sign Depot

communitech hyperdrive - High Density Urethane - The Sign Depot

Another way we custom signs have been used is by startup incubators such as Velocity.  They have changed their branding as their involvement with startups changes.

VeloCity Garage - High Density Urethane - The Sign Depot

Custom Signs For An Ever Expanding Business

If you are a fan of Dragon’s Den then you will recognize Balzac’s Coffee Roasters as one of their ongoing success stories.  As they continue to open locations their custom signs reflect the surrounding area of each location.

Balzac's - Artistic Signs - The Sign Depot

Finding A Way For Family Run Business To Stand Out From The Surroundings

Robin’s Goldsmithing is a locally run family business that is known well in the community.  To make their customers aware of a location change they used a mix of temporary and permanent custom signs to ensure they kept their current clientele and attract new customers to their establishment.

Custom Business Sign - Robins Goldsmithing - The Sign Depot

Help Build Your Business To Business Company With Custom Signs

Some businesses are not retail based, but rather business to business based otherwise known as B2B.  Little Mushroom Catering was known to many in Southern Ontario as the go to catering company for their business. Their focus on B2B, brand recognition and word of mouth referral has since brought them into the wedding catering space as well.  This opens a brand new sector of clientele to their company and thus and increase in sales.

Little Mushroom Business Sign - The Sign Depot

Little Mushroom Vehicle Sign - The Sign Depot

Do you know an entrepreneur that uses custom signs as part of their sales and marketing strategy? We would like to learn more about them during Global Entrepreneurship Week.  Let us know their story in the comments.

As always, feel free to CONTACT US for any custom signs you require.

Custom Sign - Trade Show Booth - Display - The Sign Depot



Custom Campground Signs For Tim Horton Children’s Foundation Memorial Camp

Time To Sign Up For Camp

This is the time of year when many families are spending summer their vacation time at cottages and campgrounds.  It may be for fun in the sun, canoeing in lake or cooking over a campfire.  To ensure that children that may not have an opportunity to experience the outdoors in that way get a chance to, the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation sends kids to camp through sponsorship and the funds raised at their annual CAMP DAY.

Custom Sign - Tim Horton Children's Foundation Memorial Camp - The Sign Depot

Custom Signs For Campground Operations

Running a summer camp has many challenges and often custom signs can assist with some organizational logistics.  Whether it be for wayfinding on the grounds or organizing cabin groups, signage can help simplify tasks for camp administrators.  The Tim Horton Memorial Camp decided that their signs needed to be a mix of bright and bold signage to clarify what needed to be where for their camp.  Below are a few examples of signs that the expert sign-makers here at The Sign Depot created for the campground.

Custom Sign - Tim Horton Children's Foundation Memorial Camp - The Sign Depot

Custom Sign - Tim Horton Children's Foundation Memorial Camp - The Sign Depot

Creating Summer Memories

We think that camping is a great way to create lasting summer memories.  It also teaches responsibility, how to problem solve and it creates a co-operative atmosphere among the campers.  Developing these skills through fun and team work will help kids function in today’s world, and it helps create the confident, motivated leaders of tomorrow.  We hope you take the opportunity to get outdoors this summer.  It can help you stay active, enjoy the what nature has to offer and may just change your perspective on things.  Do you have a summer camp experience that you want to share with us? We would love to hear it.  All you have to do is leave a comment at the end of this post.

For more information on how you can help send kids to Tim Horton Children’s Foundation Memorial Camp be sure to visit their donation page.
