The Sign Depot

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Adding Chalkboard Vinyl To Custom Signs And Other Custom Interior Items

Heading Back To School

With feeling of fall in the air and the children heading back to school to work on their ABC’s, we thought we would take this opportunity to give you a few lessons on adding chalkboard to your custom interior signs and other items.

Chalkboard Signs

Here at The Sign Depot we are quite familiar with chalkboard paint and how it can be used for custom sign applications.  Using chalkboard paint to create an artistic sign in can be very labour intensive. There are many quick at home do it yourself chalkboard paint tutorials, but is a lot of sanding, priming and painting required in order to give a custom interior sign a professional look.

Custom Signs - Chalkboard - The Sign Depot

If you don’t require an actual board we have second option to help customize your signs and other custom interior items.  We have added Chalkboard Vinyl to our lineup of vinyl products. Chalkboard vinyl is quick way to add an artistic element to your custom signs decor items.  It is especially handy for those that are constantly changing their specials on for their business.  It gives you the flexibility to change menu items, add some quick messaging and add daily deals without creating a new sign each day.

It would be great for signs in

Unique Ways To Use Chalkboard Vinyl

Looking for other unique uses for Chalkboard Vinyl? We created a Pinterest Board to give you some inspiration! The board shows many projects created with chalkboard paint, but we think they would look just as great if chalkboard vinyl was used for these items. Head over to Uses For Chalkboard Vinyl Pinterest Board and see what inspires you!

Custom Signs With Chalkboard Vinyl - The Sign Depot

How To Get A Chalkboard Vinyl Sign Designed?

Wondering how to get a custom Chalkboard Vinyl sign designed? Contact our Ben our Vinyl Master by emailing  and he will be able to prepare your custom quote and let you know all the options you have when it comes to temporary custom signs created with vinyl!


Custom Vehicle Graphics Are Not Just For Cars

Promotional Graphics For A Custom Food Festival Vehicle

Is your promotional vehicle giving your brand all the credit it deserves?  David from Bread Heads decided very quickly that his Wood Fired Pizza Trailer needed to be branded better.  He was already creating a lot of buzz at outdoor festivals with his unique trailer but quickly realized that highway travelers were taking a second look as he was towing it to or from the festival site.

Custom Vehicle Graphics - The Sign Depot

Big Branding Design Decisions

David came to The Sign Depot for assistance in branding his promotional vehicle as well as his company Bread Heads.  Without having a true logo for his business, Adam (Sign Depot Designer) was able to come up with a concept that would work as vehicle graphics and transfer well into custom business signage for David.

Custom Vehicle Graphics - The Sign Depot

A Fully Customized Festival Vehicle

When we say fully customized we mean it featured custom designed vinyl vehicle decals and a custom paint finish achieved by Ben otherwise know as our Vinyl Master.

With the large white decal text on the red vehicle the info stands out very well.

Custom Vehicle Graphics - The Sign Depot

For the upper part of the vehicle a vinyl stencil was layed down and painted over to use the negative space as a way to highlight the designed logo.

Custom Vehicle Graphics - The Sign Depot

Custom Vehicle Graphics - The Sign Depot


Are you following them on the road or following them on twitter? Either way the info relayed on this promotional vehicle will help you find out where Bread Heads is heading to next.

Custom Vehicle Graphics - The Sign Depot

Having a clear message that can be relayed through signs gives passers-by a way to contact or connect with your business.  If you wish to connect with us, leave a comment below, follow us on twitter or post on our facebook page.

 We would love to help you with your vehicle graphics whether it be for one car, or a fleet of busineess vehicles.  We think you’ll be happy with the results too!
