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How To Order A Custom Sign With INFOGRAPHIC
What Your Need To Know When Ordering A Custom Sign
There are a lot of steps involved when it comes to creating a custom sign for your business. We decided to break down some of the importanct factors required for making a custom sign for your company. These items will give you a basic idea of how timelines, materials, designs and budget factors into the custom sign making process.
The Path To Successful Signage
Now that we have set you on path towards a successful sign package, be sure to set a course for full brand awareness. Remember your sign is a 24 hour advertisement for your business. The items in the infographic were listed to give you some inspiration, but remember to get input from an expert sign maker to ensure your idea will fit your budget and the signage needs of your company.
Do You Notice The Signs? A Community Involvement Project
The Sign Depot Survey
The Sign Depot Survey was created to see how signs are perceived. We posted our survey to online community and responses were complied into the infographic below. As you can see the importance of a clear sign has an impact on how your business is viewed and how memorable your establishment is. This is our interpretation of what the responses mean.
How Often Do You Notice Signs On Your Daily Travels? Very Often was the response that ranked the highest. To learn more about getting noticed by the traffic in your area make sure to read our post You Want To Go Where Everyone Knows Your Name
Does The Size Of The Sign Make It More Noticeable? The popular answer to this question was Yes. There are many different measurents involved when it comes to letter size and installation height. Find out more by reading Visibility Is Key
How Likely Would You Enter A Store That Had A Sign In Poor Condition? Business owners take note! Most said it would they would NOT LIKELY visit your location if your sign is in poor condition. Think of your store front sign as your first impression. Custom business signs are very important to your company’s brand.
How Do you Find Out About New Businesses In Your Area? We asked those participating in the survey to choose all the answers that apply. It was no surprise to us that A Coming Soon Sign, Social Media and From A Friend were at the top of the list. We believe the best way to build buzz about a new business is with signage, social media and referrals!
When You Give Directions Do You Use Landmarks? The majority answered yes that they do use landmarks to give directions. Having a memorable landmark on your property is another way to get your name out there.
What Is Your Favorite Colour? This was more just for curiosity sake, but you may want to keep the colours in mind when it comes to your company logo.
Thanks to everyone answered our questions we appreciate your community involvement!