Archive for the ‘sculptural signs’ Category

Sculptural Signs – Taverna Mercatto Restaurant Toronto
Ornamental Exterior Sign
Next time you are between two Toronto landmarks, Rogers Centre (formerly known as Skydome) and the Air Canada Centre, be on the look out for our latest work at Taverna Mercatto. Working with the design firm Office Bureau the restaurant exterior signage was manufactured to replicate ornamental metal. Unlike the mystery tunnel builder in Toronto, we know that you require permission and permits before you can begin building anything.
After approval from the Toronto Sign Bylaw Unit, the sign design for Taverna Mercatto was finalized and manufacturing of this ornamental sign began. Sculptural signs are eye-catching for both pedestrian and vehicle traffic and it was decided that a free standing sign would be a great focal point for this high traffic area.
3 Dimensional Projection Sign
The Taverna Mercatto sign was finished in black with 23K gold leaf highlights on this 3 dimensional sign and LED lit so it would shine both day and night.
Projecting off a lamp post, it is a very unique sign on the street. Choosing sculptural signs as a way to differentiate a business from other companies is a great choice especially in an area where there are several restaurants to choose from. It is very inviting looking and that is important when attracting customers to a restaurant in a central tourist area.
Be On The Look Out For Additional Mercatto Signage
In addition the Taverna Mercatto sign we have been involved in other design elements for that location as well as some of their other locations.
Window graphics and interior signage upgrades are also part of their signage package, all with the artistic look to match their current architecture.
Choosing to work with a custom sign shop for both your interior and/or exterior signs allows for a lot of choice. From size to materials to paint colours your business signs are a great way to take your branding to the next level. For more information on how we can elevate your brand visit our CONTACT US page to connect with one of our expert signmakers.

Find What You’re Looking For – Findability And Wayfinding Signs
Somebody Give Me A Sign
Remember the U2 song I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For ? Or how about when the lead character in a movie throws his/her hands up in the air and yells Won’t You Show Me A Sign ? How many times have you heard the line Where Do We Go From Here? Although these might be a bit dramatic we see these statements as FINDABILITY issues.
How To Improve Your Findability
Website Search
Findability is usually reserved when speaking about Search Engine Optimization but we think it goes beyond your online search engine ranking. While we agree that your Google search status is very important, we know that people are searching for your info elsewhere too.
Yellow Pages
You may have heard that Yellow Pages puts you in with your competition, but it is also an opportunity to out-shine your competitors. We had a client call and tell us that she chose to work with us because our Yellow Pages ad was well designed and she preferred it over the other sign shops listed on the page.
As you can see it is a black and white ad. It consists of the important info and how best to contact us. Along with our tag line that we have branded ourselves around.
Business Signage
As mentioned in the post You Want To Go Where Everyone Knows Your Name your outdoor business signage is very important. To see if others felt this way as well we did a POLL on our Facebook page.
25 people took part in our quick survey.
They were asked
How important is a visible sign when you arrive at a place you have never been before?
Their choices were
- Very important I don’t want to drive past the destination
- Somewhat important I try to know the closest landmark/look for the address number
- Not important

Landmarks increase your visibility which helps with the Findability of your business. Address numbers are also part of signage. How you scale their size to their placement is something a professional sign maker knows all about.
Did I mention no one picked answer number three?
So the next time you hear that someone has Lost Their Way, you’ll have some great suggestions for them.

Sculptural 3 Dimensional Signs – A Fish Out Of Water
or Finding Nemo At The Sign Depot
Over the last few weeks we’ve been watching a new character evolve. The beginning stages of the sign foam structure we best described as “Goldfish Cracker” shape. That day it was decided that we were now Finding Nemo at The Sign Depot
Watching A Sign Foam Fish Can Be Fasinating

To give the sign dimension, sculptural scales were created by hand using a sculpting product and then applying it to the High Density Urethane (sign foam) surface. Then ripply fins, exaggerated eyes, Mick Jagger like-lips and bright coloured paint gave the fish the cartoon-ish look that the client was looking for.
Where will the Fuschia Fish find it’s final destination?
The sign is not for an aquarium, it’s an outdoor address sign. Address and Residential signs can be made to match your own personality, sense of style and/or uniqueness. You can decide on how subtle or stand-out you wish your residential sign to be. We can fully customize your outdoor address signs to your specification. It is always a good idea to have a few things in place in order for you custom sign to meet your expectations. Here are some great things to have prepared when contacting a professional sign designer.
Residential Signs – Where To Start
Begin with your favorite colours, pictures, pieces of art etc. all of these will help our professional sign designers create a look and feel that captures your style and taste.
Next decide on how large you wish the sign to be. Measurements are key!
Choose the text (if any) you wish to display on your sign.
Show us where it will be displayed. Take a picture of the area it will be installed. That way the designer will know what other objects are around the area for your custom sign, and can incorporate elements to match.
Whatever your desired scuptural address sign look is, these steps will help in the formation of what may be your guests first impression. OUTSTANDING!

Sculptural Signs Tea -riffic Attention Grabbers
Sculptural Sign For The Silver Spoon
If you read last month’s post I’m A (Not So) Little Teapot you saw the #reallyBIGteapot in it’s beginning stages. Over the last month we had several visitors come and take a look at the replica Brown Betty Teapot being built. Word travelled fast and by the end of the month we we fortunate enough to be featured on the WaterlooMIN site. Today the Teapot scuplture found it’s home across from Kitchener’s City Hall at The Silver Spoon . This 3 dimensional sign is quite an attention grabber already. By choosing to have a projected feature on their building they are noticeable from all parts of the corner intersection. Being across from City Of Kitchener’s City Hall building, The Silver Spoon wanted to capture the attention of those passing by in this high traffic area and a scupltural sign was the key to making it all work.
Custom Business – Appearances Are Everything
Because of the revitalization project in Kitchener’s Downtown The Silver Spoon was able to take advantage of the Facade Upgrade Grant. This grant is to help business owners in the downtown area to refresh their entranceways, and in turn make downtown Kitchener a more inviting place to visit. To learn more about applying for such a grant make sure to read our post on Business Sign Permits, Sign Regulations And Variances. This will give you a good idea of what you will need to have prepared when it comes to sign regulations. Always make sure to consult with a professional sign company that understands sign permit regulations. They are the ones that are most familiar with what is required for sign permit approval. Once The Silver Spoon had the proper approval they went full force in upgrading their establishment’s entrance-way. They chose stand out colours and dimensional sign letters for the front of the building, but it’s The Silver Spoon’s Teapot that is sure to become a landmark for Downtown Kitchener.

Sculptural Signs – An Update On The Mounties
Sculptural Signs Add Artistic Elements To Outdoor Displays
Remember at the end of July when we I posted about the Dimensional Mounties? These replica RCMP officers have now been delivered to their permanent home in Niagara Falls. The Souvenir City Store in Niagara Falls Ontario displays many 3 dimensional signs that are manufactured here at The Sign Depot. They have sign sculptures for Exterior Signs as well as Interior Signs. Just some of their exterior custom business signs include an Inukshuk, a Giant Vase and now these sculptural signs created to look like Mounties. As for artistic signs for the interior of the store you will find an archway sculpted to look like chocolate , a fancy fudge store and many other display areas clearly advertising what they are selling through the use of custom 3 dimensional signs made from Wood and High Density Urethane .These 3 dimensional signs create a lot of interest in all of the promotional products and souveniers that they sell at their retail store.
Four Ways To Create Interest At A Retail Store
- Keep it light! Make your store front signage friendly and potential new clients will be sure to stop by
- Create interest with 3 dimensional signs
- Ensure that customers can see all you have to offer with great looking sign displays
- Have some fun with your temporary retail signs
If you happen to be visiting Niagara Falls Ontario, make sure to stop by Souvenir City and take a photo with some of the larger than life sculptural signs we have made for them. Post it on facebook page listed on the right side of this post and let us know which items sparked your interest. We always love hearing from our readership and look for opportunities for your input on the variety of signs that we make. Need a little incentive? Here’s a coupon to get you started.
Perhaps your photo opp of choice will be our newly finished Mountie Structures!

Sculptural Signs – Outdoor Sign Displays From Pillaging Pirates to Respect RCMP’s
Stand Out With Sculptural Signs
It’s a summer of sculptural signs here at The Sign Depot. We’ve stared with 3 dimensional signs for an outdoor sign display featuring a Pirate Ship and Crew and now we are moving to more of a patriotic focal point with the freshly constructed Mounties.
These Royal Canadian Mounted Police replicas will prepped for custom paint finishes and will be heading to Souvenir City in Niagara Falls Ontario. There they will be part of their exterior sign display meant to attract passers-by and encourage them to stop in to their retail store.
Attention Grabbing Custom Business Signs
Want to make a BOLD statement for your business? Custom business signs are great place to start. Our artistic signs are quite unique and by choosing sculptural signs you add an additional element of creativity to your business branding. Companies that incorporate 3 dimensional signs into their marketing plans always rave about the finished results. One of our favorite testimonials for 3 dimensional signs is from Judy Horn of The Silver Spoon Cafe in Downtown Kitchener Ontario
Just wanted to let you know we love the teapot. There isn’t a day that goes by without someone commenting on it. It has really made a difference to our visibility on the street. Thanks again to Amos and Peter and everyone else who worked on the sign and tea pot. We are really pleased with the way it turned out.
Want to get started on attention grabbing sculptural sign? Make sure to visit the The Sign Depot Contact Us page and get the 3 dimensional sign conversation started, or stop by our showroom at 51 Borden Ave S. Kitchener & let the brainstorming BEGIN!
To see the finished custom Mountie signs make sure to visit our post Sculptural Signs – An Update On The Mounties. As you can see they really stand out and serving as great landmark signs.

3 Dimensional Signs And Sculptures
Scuplture As Signs
What makes The Sign Depot unique from many other signs shops is our ability to create 3 dimensional signs. Many think of these pieces as artistic sculptures, but our clients know that these signs serve a purpose. Below are you can see examples of 3 dimensional signs for businesses. The chainsaw sculpture was created as a landmark sign for Souvenir City in Niagara Falls Ontario. This kind of sign is known to grab the attention of passers-by making your business memorable to potential customers. Finding original ways to advertise your business through custom signs is something The Sign Depot is well known for. We have won several sign industry awards for our 3 dimensional signs and structures. Being at the top of your industry is an honour for any company and it is why we continue to create artistic signs that we can be proud of.

How 3 Dimensional Signs Can Elevate You To The Top Of Your Industry
You should always strive to be the best, and standing out from your competition is the great way to be at the top of your industry. 3 dimensional signs do just that. They stand out and get your business noticed. Whether you chooose a chainsaw sculpture or High Density Urethane Sign Props your company will recognized right away. These signs make an impact and you want the first impression of your business to be a memorable one. A custom business sign is a 24 hour advertisement for your business so be sure it reflects your company and what you want it to be known for. This how you elevate your game and rise to the top of your industry. To learn more about dimensional signs be sure to visit our dimensional sign gallery, then be sure to contact our dimesional sign fabricators to see how sign sculptures can work for your business.