class="tag"Posts Tagged ‘Rick Mercer’
The Sign Depot Makes It A Movember To Remember
If you stop by The Sign Depot this month you’ll see that things have gotten a little HAIRY!
Yes we’re busy working away as always, but the Hairy I’m referring to is the facial hair kind. You know the fuzzy stuff on the upper lip.
What Does Movember Have To Do With Custom Wood Signs?
Peter Moir the Owner/President of Sign Depot has signed on to participate in Movember Canada this year. Being that the main logo for The Sign Depot Inc. features a Moustached fellow it makes for a perfect fit! What else do moustaches and signs have in common? A custom carved sign makes an impression the way a well groomed Movember moustache does. They both get people talking and raise awaremess. Whether it is for a business or for an non-for profit, getting noticed is an important part of making a great impression.
More About Movember
For those who have not heard about Movember, it is a charitible organization formed to raise awareness about Men’s Health issues. Being part of a community of those willing to help others is something we here at The Sign Depot can get on board with! Being supportive to those is need is a great way to connect with the community you are based in. Find ways to get involved and you will know what it feels like to be part of something bigger. All it takes is a little initiative and some creative thinking.
Rick Mercer is known for his rants, but see what he has to say about Prostate Health and his involvement with the Movember community.
Want to be more involved in Movember? Join a team and follow all the fun on the facebook page
See what you can do to raise awarness about Movember and Prostate Cancer Canada. Help make this a Movember To Remember