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Signs That Discovery Channel Took A Page Out Of The Red Bull Branding Playbook
Signs Of Branding Better
Several months ago in our post Better Branding – Red Bull Wins we discussed how the Red Bull Stratos sponsored Felix Baumgartner’s Live Jump. In that post we talked about how Red Bull took the opportunity to get the logo in front of the cameras that were broadcasting both online and on television. Further down in that post we spoke about the differences between the Live Jump and Nik Wallenda’s High Wire Walk across Niagara Falls.
Nik vs Felix
Just a few months ago Nik Wallenda crossed Niagara Falls on a high wire. It is believed that millions tuned in to watch the event live and has since been watched by a billion. Imagine if a company had their brand name attached to that event. How many eyes would have witnessed it? How many companies are realizing now that it was a missed opportunity for brand recognition?
Bring On The Branding
With Nik Wallenda’s Skywire Grand Canyon Walk, The Discovery Channel “harnessed” the power of branding by sponsoring the man who walked across the Grand Canyon without a “harness”.
For this event Nik Wallenda’s shirt clearly displayed The Discovery Channel logo and a few other company logos. Another clear logo was Mitsubishi Motors and their 2013 Outlander was also featured in the pre-recorded Discovery Channel spots of Nik Wallenda’s days of trainging leading up to the walk.
Signs Of Great Business Branding
Finding ways to bring your company’s branding to the forefront is of upmost importance when it comes to running a successful business. Although you may not be able to dole out the dollars to sponsor a world wide event, you can always contact local events and charities to see how your company can partner with them. Having your company logo on signs and banners can help establish you in your community and surrounding area. Brand recognition will help you make a mark in the marketplace.
If you require any additional info when it comes to custom business signs and logos be sure to contact a professional to see how you can take your branding across the board with Store Front Signs, Vehicle Graphics and Walkway A-Frames.

Better Branding – Red Bull Wins
Red Bull Stratos Sponsors Felix Baumgartner’s Live Jump From The Edge Of Space
Where were you the day that Felix Baumgartner stepped out of the weather balloon’s shuttle will be a question that many may ask, but most likely it will be described as the Red Bull Stratos LiveJump. The Red Bull Stratos Mission was scientific mission backed by several companies but the only one you’ll remember is the one that claims it GIVES YOU WINGS.
What Red Bull Did Right
Over the years many public figures have been associated with wearing brands. Think of Michael Jordan and Nike or which fresh faced celeb is now the spokesperson for Covergirl or the movie star sporting a milk moustache for the Got Milk? campaign. This has also been a trend with car races and now event venues IE The Air Canada Centre. Finding a way to get a company name to be common place in everyday discussion is the right way to market.
Think of it this way, how often do you ask for a Kleenex? What you should be asking for is a facial tissue.
Red Bull did it right, with just a few properly placed logos in the spots that the cameras would catch and adding their brand to the event’s name they will forever be associated with the historical jump. vs Felix
Just a few months ago Nik Wallenda crossed Niagara Falls on a high wire. It is believed that millions tuned in to watch the event live and has since been watched by a billion. Imagine if a company had their brand name attached to that event. How many eyes would have witnessed it? How many companies are realizing now that it was a missed opportunity for brand recognition?
Better Branding
A few things to consider when it comes to branding
Branding is about connecting with your current and future customers
Find ways to be top of mind in your marketplace
Be a leader amongst your competitors by staying orginal
Be known as a reputable company
Stand out from your surroundings
Whether you are building your brand, or rebranding to refresh your advertising, always consult a professional when it comes to the look of your company logo. Colours, graphics, text and font choices are all part of corporate branding. Make sure your logo is designed as a good representation of what you have to offer consumers, as they are the ones that decide which brand they are going to buy.
So the big question is, do you remember where you were doing during the Red Bull Stratos Live Jump?