Archive for the ‘signage’ Category

The Meat And Potatoes Of Signage
Signage Basics – What You Need To Know
When it comes to choosing signage for your brand, there are some basics you should always keep in mind. The items below will give you a good idea about the meat and potatoes of signage. It is a great place to start and grow from there.
Listen To Coco Chanel
Coco Chanel’s advice when dressing with accessories was “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.” That is also a great mantra for signage. Less is more. Make sure you know the message you want to convey and edit it down to as few words as possible.
Keep It Classy
Most marketing strategies have some amount of shock value. While we believe it is great to catch someone off guard, in order to be memorable, you must keep in mind your signage is often the first impression of your establishment. You want to ensure your business is remembered in positive light.
Stand Out, But Don’t Stick Out
Be sure that your signage stands out from the surroundings. Use lighting, projection and dimensional signs to achieve this. They are great ways to make your signs visible.
Notice how the above Beertown sign incorporates all of those signage elements? It goes to show that you need to always think about your brand, establishment and surroundings first in order to make a great impression.
However you don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb, so be sure the sign design you have in mind fits with the area it will be placed.
Be A Leader Of The Pack
Whether you are moving to new area, or rebranding an existing business, showing other companies that you upping your signage game sends a signal that your are prepared to be a leader in your industry. This will also convey that you are a professional business and strive to be known as the leading expert in your field.
Now that you have learned about the meat and potatoes of signage, be sure to contact one of our sign experts to see how you can elevate the signage for your business.