Archive for the ‘crafted beer sign’ Category

Custom Crafted Beer Signs – International Beer Day
The First Friday In August Is International Beer Day
Being located in Canada’s Home of Oktoberfest, we know how popular beer is in Canada. With Oktoberfest just being a few months away, International Beer Day is a great way to gear up for our local Bavarian festival. Here at The Sign Depot we are very familar with lots of Canadian breweries both big companies and small local crafted beer, along with the restaurants that serve their beverages. We decided today would be a great day to display some of the custom crafted beer signs we have created over the years.
Crafted Beer Signs
When it come to the big beer brewers in Canada the most well know brand is Molson Canadian.
We have crafted several beer signs for Molsons over the years, but one of the most recognizable one would be the one situated in Air Canada Centre.
Smaller craft breweries also come to us for signs that will help then stand out from their competitors. Recently Innocente Brewing Company opened it’s doors in Waterloo Ontario and a custom wood sign was one of the tools they used to brand this new beer company.
Restaurant and Pub Signs
When it comes to establishments that serve ale and lager, there is quite a variety of crafted beer signs that fit the bill.
To learn more be sure to read our post Custom Pub Signs – Traditional VS Modern. There you will learn why custom crafted and personalization of pub signs is of tremendous importance.
How You Celebrate International Beer Day
Do you have plans for International Beer Day? Celebrating could mean checking out a local patio or gathering friends at the cottage! Grabbing a pint is custom on long weekends and being that International Beer Day falls on the Civic Holiday Long weekend here in Ontario Canada we raise a glass to you, however you choose to celebrate. Cheers everyone!