3 Dimensional Streetcar Sign Structure Created For The Toronto 2015 PanAm Games

Toronto 2015 PanAm Games
The big news for the summer of 2015 is that the Pan Am Games were held in Toronto Ontario. Athletes from several different countries arrived in Toronto Ontario Canada to compete in several sporting events.
Several months before the big event was held, the Pan Am torch headed across Canada and even make a stop in front of the 3 dimensional Beertown Waterloo sign we manufactured. You can see the image on our FACEBOOK PAGE.
Once the Pan Am Games torch arrived in Toronto it was time for the games to begin!
Pan Am Games Athletes’ Village
Because thousands of athletes participate in the Pan Am Games an Athletes’ Village was created to house them during their stay in Canada. Part of the residential area included a Food Court/Dining Area for the athletes. Within that building a 3 dimensional sign structure of a replica streetcar was designed for the food court by Cricket Design and fabricated by the expert signmakers here at The Sign Depot.
See our installers in action on our FACEBOOK PAGE.
Here is how the 3 dimensional sign structure looked after the installation was completed.
You can even see a partial glimpse of it at the 59 second mark in this Kids CBC video below. The video presentation was created for the Pan Am Games Opening Ceremonies, which was broadcasted coast to coast on the CBC Televison Network.
3 Dimensional Signs
3 dimensional signs are signage projects that our signmakers specialize in. If you want your business to stand out we suggest you visit the CONTACT US page to get a quote on a 3 dimensional sign for your company.
Be sure to let us know what you think of this 3 dimensional sign by leaving a comment below!

4 Responses to “3 Dimensional Streetcar Sign Structure Created For The Toronto 2015 PanAm Games”
I love the looks of your 3 Dimensional signs! They definitely get your attention and are really noticeable!
That’s definitely a great way to draw attention! It would be cool to see more signs like that.
Love how this is 3D it will definitely catch my attention
very cool!! i’m sure it will attract alot of attention!
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