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Artistic Sign Solutions For Business – Gloss Captures Attention With Custom Business Signs

This street view photo by James Howe shows exactly what you would see as you pass by.
Eye catching don’t you think?
Adding Artistic Sign Elements To Storefront Signs
Finding ways to capture the attention of passers-by in this fast-paced world we live in is a difficult task for many store owners. Adding artistic sign elements can help create a brand buzz when a new business moves in the area. Gloss chose this route when they opened their Kitchener Ontario location and The Sign Depot was happy to provide the sign solutions to make that happen.
As you can see from the photo above, Gloss made the most of their Downtown location by using the Exterior signage as a focal point for drive by traffic and window graphics to catch the attention of those walking by as well.
Grab Their Attention
Want to be memorable? You need to get noticed. Our artistic sign solutions for businesses help to grab attention and make your company memorable. Below are three different ways Gloss used custom business signs to get noticed.
Choosing an flat backer sign with dimensional letters helped Gloss stand out from the surrounding businesses.
By incorporating the logo into the vinyl windows graphics it gives memorable look without taking away from the current window displays.
A custom A-Frame sign was constructed to include a wipe off board so store specials and events can be updated on a regular basis
Signs Of Consistency
All these custom business signs incorporated the company logo and the clean look stayed true to the Gloss business brand. Consistency is the key for being recognizable. Is your business anticipating a move in the near future, or could your entrance-way use a refresh? Make sure to speak with one of our professional sign designers to see how our artistic sign solutions can increase your traffic and help you to grab some new customers.