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Connecting In The Community

3 Community Events Within 7 Days
Community Involvement has always been a priority here at The Sign Depot. Whether it’s being involved in a community project, or learning about Social Enterprise, we want to take part.
Being connected to the community is a big part of my role here. I am present at most Chamber of Commerce meetings, I attend networking events, participate in Peer2Peer groups and do my best to support our clients with their endeavours.
This week is no exception. I attended the Kitchener Waterloo Art Gallery #CultureTalks last Thursday. I went to the D2L Night School #LearningCulture event last night and tonight I will be at the Shopify #ShopClass19 session.
Each event I attend is inspiring and I appreciate the information that is given and do my best to absorb it all and bring it back to implement here.
Here’s the recap of the week.
Kitchener Waterloo Art Gallery #CultureTalks took place at the historic Walper Hotel and Caroline Robbie of Quadrangle presented about the “hub” culture that is happening in Toronto at The City of The Arts Launchpad. It is a space dedicated to creating synergy between different art forms. Learning about the design of the building and the projects that are emerging from it was very motivating. So much so, that I plan to head there this summer to tour the building and meet many of the creators that base their work there.
The D2L Night School #LearningCulture discussion was a fantastic event where John Baker-President-CEO of D2L, Nick Oddson-Chief Technology Officer and Chantal Thorn-Director of Learning and Leadership Development spoke about incorporating learning into the workplace as the labour force changes over the course of the next decade. It was conversation between the panelists and the attendees and everyone’s knowledge of the culture surrounding learning evolved. I also enjoyed the office tour given by D2L’s Dan Congdon (who also took my picture with their Moose Mascot). I have witnessed many of their signs being created in our workshop, but seeing them installed in their space at the Tannery brings it full circle for me.

Tonight I will be at the Shopify #ShopClass19. We are clients of Shopify for our cottage signs website and I am enthusiastic about tonight’s class. I have attended their info sessions before and which provide great networking opportunities and lots of valuable marketing information that I implement into our online advertising. Tonight’s topic is email marketing, so be sure sign up for our monthly newsletter and see first hand the knowledge I gained from attending.

Want to connect with us? Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @TheSignDepot or connect with us in person at our upcoming Open House by registering at