The Sign Depot

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International Sign Association Competition and Sign Depot’s Artistic Signs

Sign Depot Entries

In previous years we have entered and been rewarded in sign competitions, hence the name of our facebook page.  We are very proud of our Award Winning Artistic Signs! This year we have several entries in the International Sign Association Competition.  This competition is not a judged panel, but instead it is being turned over to the website viewer.

Because Sign Depot offers many types of signs solutions, we are able to fit into many categories for ISA Competition

Here are the signs we entered

Building Signage – Gusto 101 as well as Jacob’s Grill (although you can only vote for 1 sign per category, we liked them both so much, we had to enter them both)

Electronic Message Centre – STS Mortgage Pros

Free Standing Electric – Blackshop Restaurant and Sole Restaurant (again we couldn’t decide between these two wonderful landmark signs)

Free Standing Non Electric– Molson Canadian Brewhouse

So if you think we STAND OUT from the competition, have your say by casting your vote here

