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Award Winning Artistic Signs
Canadian Creativity Index
Last week it was announced that Kitchener Ontario is one of Canada’s Top Ten Creative Cites. Finding ways to be artisticly creative are always at the top of the list here at Sign Depot. Knowing that we are established in city that is on the Canadian Creativity Index makes us proud members of our creative community.
Award Winning Signage
To double the creativity celebration Sign Depot was awarded BEST IN SHOW for the 2012 Sign Media Canada Competition.
As seen in the July 2012 issue of Sign Media Canada, the top publication for signage in Canada.
The judges–members of Sign Media Canada editorial advisory board–had to consider each entry’s merits in terms of originality, creativity, appearance and design suitability. Together, the selected winners in nine categories, with the entry earning the highest overall score also honoured as best in show.
Beertown Sign Wins Best In Show
The Beertown sign had all the elements that the judges were looking for, and as mentioned in an earlier post that sign had many elements to it. Finding it out was first place in Canada is something Sign Depot takes a lot of pride in.
But wait there’s more…..
We also received recognition as the runner-up sign company in two other categories.
The sign for Gusto 101 was the runner-up for top illuminated sign, and Sole Restaurant and Wine Bar received the nod as runner up for Stand-alone sign.
Now with this year’s competition over, we’re back to work creating projects to enter in next year’s Sign Media Canada competition. Who knows what custom signs we’ll create for the remainder of 2012 but if you need a creative stand out sign for your business make sure to contact us! You might be the owner of the next award winning sign.
We want to celebrate this success so we’re having a BBQ for the Food Bank Of Waterloo Region! Bring some cans and get a burger! Sounds like a plan to me. To find out more about what we are creating make sure to subscribe to our newsletter , which can be found at the top right of our blog posts. To chat more about the artistic community send us a tweet, or leave a comment on facebook.