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Outdoor Dining and 3 Dimensional Signs at Dels
Dear Dels, We Love What You’ve Done With The Place
Approximately four years ago the expert sign-makers here at THE SIGN DEPOT were busy with the signage rebranding of Del Dente to the Dels Enoteca Pizzeria. If you read our earlier post you know the change was quite significant, and you are aware that they were able to re-purpose the original 3 dimensional sign to different part of the building. Fast forward to present-day and the restaurant has upped their game once again. They have created a very inviting outdoor dining space. This Al Fresco dining area, known as #DelFresco, is a charming patio that provides a wonderful dinner spot for the summer. It even has an area for you bring an extra special guest that normally wouldn’t be able to join you while eating at the establishment.
Pet Friendly Patio
The addition of pet beds and water dishes make it a welcoming spot to bring SPOT along with you! This means you can now bring your dog to your fancy Italian dinner.
Outdoor Decor
Beyond the wood tables and the pet area, the Dels Patio is surrounded by bountiful flowers and plants and the signage provides great accents to this fresh air atmosphere.

The custom crafted utensils and dimensional signage serves as a backdrop for the new dining area and because it is a lit sign you can easily find your way to the patio during the evening hours. Open air dining is great way to enjoy warm summer nights and we think the new Dels Patio is the perfect place to try before the summertime ends.

If you are looking to add 3 dimensional signs to your establishment, we would glad to assist you. Check out our DIMENSIONAL SIGNS GALLERY for inspiration and then head to our CONTACT US page to connect with us.

Lykke – Minded 3 Dimensional Signs
The Danish Have Done It Again
In 2017 we told you about Danish HYGGE and LAGOM and what they have to do with signage. Once again they are bringing a new sensation to North America. LYKKE is the new Danish word at the tip of our tongues and we think our 3 dimensional signs fit the bill perfectly. According to The Little Book of Lykke: The Danish Search for the World’s Happiest People, lykke means Happiness but it has shown that people feel much happier if they call happiness Lykke rather than Happiness. Here at The Sign Depot we want all of our signs to bring people happiness, and while we work hard to accomplish that with all of custom signs, our whimsical 3 dimensional signage provides an extra layer of lykke to the mix.
Bring On The Happiness With Our Lykke – Minded 3 Dimensional Signs
Many of our 3 dimensional signs are made from layered High Density Urethane, often referred to as HDU. They are created in our workshop on our CNC router table. Once the form is cut, it is up to our expert sign-makers to shape the sign into the object of our client’s choice. Over the years we have created many sign structures that bring smiles to faces. We think it makes it “Lykke – Minded” signage. You can see examples in the images below.

Spring Into Action
Spring is in the air (most days), and it is often known as a time of renewal. Now that the spring season has arrived it is time to see how you can refresh your business. Could it use a little HYGGE, LAGOM and/or LYKKE? Finding the right recipe for your company is something we can assist with. Just visit our CONTACT US page to connect with one of our sign experts. Together they can provide you with the signage that best suits your business. Do you LIKE (or LYKKE) that idea? Let us know in the comments. We always appreciate hearing from our readers.