The Sign Depot

I Saw The Sign HDU Letters Contest High Density Urethane

Posted by Lisa on 2/24/2011



Did You See The Sign?

Heading into The Sign Depot workshop today I noticed a lot of of High Density Urethane  (HDU) sign letters had been routered on the CNC table.  It looked like quite a letter jumble to me, so I figured this would make a great contest for our online community. Get your thinking caps on! What do you think it says? Give a guess of what this HDU sign letters will end up spelling. 

HDU High Density Urethane - The Sign Depot

HDU Letter Jumble

Now we don’t have anything spectacular like a new car or a dream cruise, BUT who wouldn’t want a SIGN DEPOT SANDBLASTED WOOD BLOCK????

Try and win one by figuring out our HDU Letter Jumble with white  sign letters in the pic above.  Send your answers to with CONTEST in the subject line (hints will be posted on our facebook page and twitter).

Let us know that you saw the sign and what your HDU letter jumble answer is! You could be the proud owner of of a custom cedar block. Be the envy of all of your friends! Boast about your letter jumble skills and be the master of the HDU letter contest!

Look at how happy our cedar block makes Dave! 

HDU High Density Urethane - The Sign Depot

 The winner will be notified Friday February 25, 2011 

Note the winner must be able to pick up their SIGN DEPOT BLOCK at 51 Borden Ave S. Kitchener Ontario.

We look forward to all the answers, but only one winner will be picked for this contest. 


Darren White of Makebright is the winner of our HDU letter jumble contest. He was able to decipher the answer as  THE PURPLE ROOM. To find more info on our High Density Urethane signs be sure to stop by our sign shop or contact us here at The Sign Dept to see how dimensional HDU sign letters will help you stand out from the competition.


One Response to “I Saw The Sign HDU Letters Contest High Density Urethane”

  1. Posted by Lisa on 2/24/2011

    The Lupper Room !!!!!
    that’s my guess!!! (and I really hope I’m right!!)

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