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Find What You’re Looking For – Findability And Wayfinding Signs
Somebody Give Me A Sign
Remember the U2 song I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For ? Or how about when the lead character in a movie throws his/her hands up in the air and yells Won’t You Show Me A Sign ? How many times have you heard the line Where Do We Go From Here? Although these might be a bit dramatic we see these statements as FINDABILITY issues.
How To Improve Your Findability
Website Search
Findability is usually reserved when speaking about Search Engine Optimization but we think it goes beyond your online search engine ranking. While we agree that your Google search status is very important, we know that people are searching for your info elsewhere too.
Yellow Pages
You may have heard that Yellow Pages puts you in with your competition, but it is also an opportunity to out-shine your competitors. We had a client call and tell us that she chose to work with us because our Yellow Pages ad was well designed and she preferred it over the other sign shops listed on the page.
As you can see it is a black and white ad. It consists of the important info and how best to contact us. Along with our tag line that we have branded ourselves around.
Business Signage
As mentioned in the post You Want To Go Where Everyone Knows Your Name your outdoor business signage is very important. To see if others felt this way as well we did a POLL on our Facebook page.
25 people took part in our quick survey.
They were asked
How important is a visible sign when you arrive at a place you have never been before?
Their choices were
- Very important I don’t want to drive past the destination
- Somewhat important I try to know the closest landmark/look for the address number
- Not important

Landmarks increase your visibility which helps with the Findability of your business. Address numbers are also part of signage. How you scale their size to their placement is something a professional sign maker knows all about.
Did I mention no one picked answer number three?
So the next time you hear that someone has Lost Their Way, you’ll have some great suggestions for them.