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And we’re PLANKING
Creating Walls With Wood Planks
When a designer has a vision, it is our mission to make that vision a reality. Taking everyday materials and changing them to create interest is something that we do almost daily. In most cases, once the right materials are found to fit the design concept, then the construction can begin. In this case, it was more about fitting the material into the construction. The design was to create a wood plank wall in our Kitchener workshop for a Toronto restaurant. Finding a way to construct a wall that could be transported and installed to match the design specifications required, was the challenge with this project.
Even big sign projects start small
Instead of beginning with a wall of lumber, the project was built in several small sections. Each 24″x 24″ tile was made from cut cedar planks. When it was laid out on our workshop it resembled parkay flooring.
After seeing how the individual sections would fit together, the project was disassembled so that each cedar piece could be finished with a spray stain process. Once all the pieces were stained the cedar sections were stacked and transported to Toronto.
How we went against the grain
Each 24″x24″ cedar tile was attached to match the pattern that was laid out in the workshop. Adding dimension to the wall was a way to give it character.
It also was to be a reflection of the establishment’s name, Against The Grain Urban Tavern.
When the cedar wall installation was finished it transformed the back drop of the restaurant and ended up reaching 21 feet across the wall.
When a sign is not a sign, it can still be a sign of something else
While there is an absence of graphics and text on this sign project, to us it is still a cedar sign. The lack of words on this sign still represents the business name in an understated way.