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What Does Heritage Sign Making Have To Do With Disney?
Timeline of Signs
Sign making is a craft that originated in ancient times according to Wikipedia. Fast forward to the modern day where the function of signage is described as a means of…
communication, to convey information such that its receiver can make cognitive decisions based on the information provided. In general, signage can be classified into the following functions: (a)Information: signs giving information about services and facilities, e.g., maps, directories, instructions for use, etc. (b)Direction: signs leading to services, facilities, functional spaces and key areas, e.g., sign posts, directional arrows, etc. (c)Identification: signs indicating services and facilities, e.g., room names & numbers, toilet signs, number of floors, etc. (d)Safety and Regulatory: signs giving warning or safety instructions, e.g., warning signs, traffic signs, exit signs, rules & regulations, etc.This description makes signage sound like a rather dull concept. We think the contrary. Making noticeably unique signs are tasks that professional sign makers tackle every day. Using heritage sign making techniques like hand painting, carving, routering, blasting, and guilding (gold leaf applications) are just some of the ways that the sign crafters of today create bold looks and eye catching signs.
Behind The Scenes
Finding the best technique to suit what the sign represents can be challenging, but through different methods of design and construction the desired look will be achieved. Take a look at this behind the scenes video of the Disney Sign Shop
They use several of the same processes we do. Both traditional heritage looks and modern style sign making processes (and sometimes a mix of the two) make the signage industry a far more interesting concept, while still making signage functional.
Signs of a Great Sign Maker
Choosing a sign maker that has expertise in a variety of of sign making techniques ensures you have the signage that meets your requirements and exceeds your expectations. The art of sign making requires high attention to detail as well the ability to produce outstanding results. Make sure your sign maker of choice provides you with the choices you need to suit your needs as well as your sign budget. Taking the time to listen to your preferences and consider the options that will make your sign stand up and stand out is what makes for great sign maker.