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Notice The Signs Of Kindness – Random Act Of Kindness Day In Our Community
Pay It Forward
We hope that all the Kitchener-Waterloo residents will take part in Random Act Of Kindness Day. It happens on November 12th this year. Not sure what a Random Act Of Kindness is?
Last year I made sure to bring in a treat for my co-workers and I plan on keeping that tradition Pay It Forward tradition intact.
Easy Ways To Show Signs Of Kindness
- Hold doors for people
- Suprise someone with a coffee
- Give a gift card for groceries to a local shelter
- Donate your used items to thrift shops that support charities
- Call someone you haven’t spoke to in a while
- Visit a seniors’ centre or nursing home
- Organize a fundraiser
- Donate to your local food bank
- Mow your neighbours lawn or shovel their driveway depending on the weather conditions
- Volunteer for a local organization
- Embrace community involvement at your workplace
As you can see it is very simple to pay it forward and perform random acts of kindness wherever you are.
Make sure to pass this list on & REMEMBER to tell the recipent that they were just shown a Random Act Of Kindness & they should now pass it on.
Watch the video below to see how a little boy’s dream came true through community involvement.
That community knows all about paying it forward.
What do you do to get involved in your community? We here at The Sign Depot believe it is very important to give back. We do our best to support local artists, charitable organizations and community events. It does take some time and effort to pay it forward, but what you get in return means much more. The world can always use a little bit more kindness and we here at The Sign Depot hope this is a sign of things to come.

Signs Of Kindness – Random Act Of Kindness Day Friday Nov 13 2009
How Kitchener Waterloo Is Celebrating Something Different This Friday The 13th
I know that some are superstitious about this day and others make their way to Port Dover, but this Friday the 13th in Kitchener-Waterloo (Waterloo Region for the out of towners) is Random Act of Kindness Day! A day where you do-good for others and create some smiles wherever you are headed today. I’m headed into The Sign Depot office, so that means my lucky co-workers are getting donuts from me! Shhhh don’t tell, I haven’t arrived yet.
Did You Show A Sign Of Kindness Today?
What are you doing for Random Act of Kindness Day? Make sure you show signs of kindness to those around you. It doesn’t take much effort and it can make a big difference in someone’s day. To learn more about visit the Random Act Of Kindness Day website. Community Involvement is a priority at The Sign Depot, and we hope other businesses and individuals understand how important kindess and caring is to a keep a community thriving . Finding ways to add kindness initiatives in companies, schools, community centres and so many more local establishments is the best way to keep the friendly local spirit alive where you live. Let us know what you are doing to get your workplace involved in your local community. They say smiling is contagious. It can lead to other great things like volunteering, charity and a feeling of accomplishment. Make sure you show you signs of kindness to everyone you meet today and hopefully you want to carry it on throughout the whole year. Who knows what a little kindness can spark, or in my case what a dozen Tim Horton donuts will bring?
By sharing information and ideas……
……. something tells me we’re all in for something good