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Online Community Involvement – Sign Depot Blog VIEWER’S CHOICE
Back at the Big Brown Desk
After a week of holidays I’m back at my desk, but with so much catchup and not really sure what was worked on last week, I’m at a loss for this week’s post. Instead of running around the workshop, I decided I need to play some catchup here at my desk. This means I need some input in the blog post department. Who better to help me with that than the SIGN DEPOT BLOG READERS? So I’m taking a poll on our Facebook page. Just pick any of the answers I’ve listed or feel free to add your own idea! On Friday we’ll see what topic won. THANKS FOR PARTICIPATING in the First Sign Depot Blog VIEWER’S CHOICE poll. We love our online community and want to be able to give you in the information you want to see from us whether it be about construction of signs, or The Sign Depot’s community involvement.
Community Open House was the winner. Read more about it on The Sign Depot’s Community Involvement post.