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Ways To Make Business Signs Part Of Your Marketing Mix In The New Year
Managing Modern Marketing
With the New Year just around the corner, now is the time to decide how your business will move forward in the coming year. Many business are finding it difficult to maneuver their way through a modern marketing plan and are looking for ways to update their marketing and advertising campaigns. We want to ensure your branding is at the forefront of your marketing mix, so we have put together a plan that is simple to incorporate and meant to elevate your business.
A Business Sign Is Your Best Branding Tool
An outdoor business sign is a 24 hour advertisement for your business. Make sure it represents what your company stands for and properly brands your establishment. It is best when choosing your business sign to select something that is highly visible. This mean it can be seen by both vehicle traffic and those passing by. You also want it to be memorable and create buzz around your business.

Is It Instagram Worthy?
Will it make it to IG? Did it get liked and shared on facebook? How many times was it re-pinned? Did they RT it? When it comes to modern marketing, nothing has changed the game the way social media has. It is important that your signage makes to masses, as many people spend a good part of their day on at least one social network. It is a way to get your messaging across many platforms to connect with both current and potential clients.
Your Influencers Can Be Found In Your Client List
Influence marketing is one of the best ways to keep your business current and on trend. All it takes is the right people talking to your target audience to create online buzz and potentially media attention. Often the influencers you need are already on your client list. Be sure to engage with your customers online by sharing their content and quite often they will reciprocate by sharing yours as well. They may even talk about your services and products online and refer others to you. This is a great way to get your brand in front of their audience and bring your business to those who may be unaware of it.
These are just a few ways that your business sign can used in a modern marketing mix. If you have other ideas or insights, please let us know by leaving a comment below.

Build Your Business With Julia Rosien
This month The Sign Depot is featuring a few of our Sign Depot Demo Day attendees that are in the Business Marketing Industry. When we wanted to improve the SEO of The Sign Depot’s website we went straight to Julia Rosien. Her ability to clarify and create focus for our online pressence has made an impact on our site as well as our custom sign business. We chatted with Julia Rosien of SocialNorth to get her take on marketing in the modern age.Get To Know Julia Rosien
Julia can you tell us the nature of your business, SocialNorth and how you got started?
SocialNorth is my pearl. It was that grain of sand that grew out of working for a company fast-tracking to bankruptcy. I was reporting to a president who allowed his employees to shoulder the burden of his mismanagement and the stress was unreal. As the communications director and the online spokesperson for the company, the negativity spurred a need to leave for my own survival.
Thankfully, I’m married to this guy who believes in me and together we dreamed up SocialNorth. He is an integral part of the organization and deserves kudos for his faith and patience in putting up with me.
SocialNorth specializes in social media (strategy and community management), SEO, copy writing and content strategies.
Knowing your background in journalism, what do you think are some of the differences between traditional media marketing and social media marketing?
As a journalist, I was trained to remove myself from the story – to present it from a non-emotional, balanced perspective. Social media puts your heart into the middle of your reporting – it’s expected that you’ll share your opinions and personal experiences. One thing hasn’t changed though – the need for strong communication skills. I’m always amazed when I see bloggers and community managers make silly typos or spelling mistakes. Quality is still far more important than quantity.
What knowledge do you hope your clients learn from you?
When I’m working with a client, I hope I pass on as many of my skills as possible – and the confidence to get out there and do it. I want them to be 100% successful after I’m finished with their strategy, training and coaching. They hire me to contribute to their success and I’d be disappointed if they didn’t soak up as much from me as possible during our time together.
What online marketing trends should we be watching for?
Mobile and video. If you’re not looking at how people are using both of these, you’re already late to the game.
How do you stand out from others in your field?
While SocialNorth is still a small company, we’re big with ideas and our team never fails to deliver in unexpected and amazing ways. I’ve always made working with younger people part of my strategy. People just beginning their careers are still full of big, beautiful ideas. Their fearless energy is contagious and it pushes me to think beyond what my training and career has taught me. When my clients come to me, they know they’re going to get a lot of great ideas coupled with a maturity that comes from being through more than my fair share of corporate crisis’.
I would also like to think that my clients come to me because they know I’m as ridiculously attentive to detail as I am to creativity. Failure is simply not an option.
Want to learn more about Julia Rosien and Social North? Make sure to RSVP for our Sign Depot Demo Day on June 20th to network with Julia and many other fantastic business industry professionals. There you will see the behind the scenes of The Sign Depot just like Julia did.