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Gold Leaf Gilding Gilt
Although the above terms are the same by definition according to Wikipedia
The term gilding covers a number of decorative techniques for applying fine gold leaf or powder to solid surfaces such as wood, stone, or metal to give a thin coating of gold. A gilded object is described as “gilt”.
Here at The Sign Depot it meant we would be Gilding a Sign for Gilt Restaurant with Gold Leaf.
Getting Ready To Glisten
The dimensional sign for Gilt Restaurant began with CNC cutting the structure for the custom sign
and then the gilded finish was applied to the sign give it the shine that can only be acheived by 23 karat gold leaf.
Not only does gold leaf attract the attention of passers-by, it is an finish that withstand the elements which makes it a great choice for an outdoor sign.
Additionally the custom sign for Gilt Restaurant was equiped with LEDs to ensure that the sign would glisten both day an night.
Once assembled the exterior sign was prepped for installation
After the sign was affixed to the building exterior, temporary signage was displayed in the window to build buzz about the restaurant for downtown core.
For more examples of the types of signs we make for dining establishements, be sure to visit our Restaurant Signs gallery. If you are looking for gold leaf sign then contact us first! I think you’ll take a shine to us!
Thanks @TheSignDepot we absolutely love our sign! #amazing #kwawesome #openingsoon
— Gilt Restaurant (@giltrestaurant) August 26, 2014