The Sign Depot

class="tag"Posts Tagged ‘Fluxible’


Small Business Week – Collaborate With Your Community

Small Business Week In Canada

The third week of October is Small Business Week here in Canada. It is a time for those in the small business sector to seek recognition or learn about business opportunities in their area. This year we are shining a spotlight on community involvement.  We try to collaborate with local organizations and events that involve art and design.  Recently we sponsored FLUXIBLE a UX Design conference with a theme of art meeting tech.

Fluxible - The Sign Depot - Community

This year we provided in kind signage and Peter had the opportunity to present at a “BROWN BAG LUNCH SESSION”

Later this month we will sponsoring the Grand River Film Festival.  This year’s theme is about tech design which is something we are passionate about as we are always looking for ways to innovate and create new trends in the sign industry.

Grand River Film Festival - The Sign Depot - Community

The Importance Of Community Involvement

As a small business we think it is very important to be involved in our local community.  You can find us at Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber Of Commerce events, local conferences, community gatherings, charity fundraisers and more.

Calories don’t count when it is for #charity right? #MondayMotivation #smilecookie @thebrianbanks @timhortons @nutrition_4_learning

A post shared by Diane Morgan & Lisa McDonald (@those2girls) on

We understand the importance of community involvement and we constantly look for ways to connect with others in the area.  It helps us understand what people are looking for, know what they can expect from us, connect with our peers and find out what everyone thinks of our brand.  It assists in finding out what is working us and where we can improve. All of these factor in our future goals and help us concentrate on our efforts locally.

Celebrating Small Business

How do you celebrate Small Business Week? We would love to learn more about your business as well.  Leave a comment below with what Small Business means to you and how you help others with their small business ventures.


Flexing Our Custom Sign Design Muscle At Fluxible

Fluxible - Custom Sign Design - The Sign Depot

Fluxible 2017

We are thrilled to announce our involvement with this year’s Fluxible conference happening in Kitchener-Waterloo Ontario, Canada. Fluxible is Canada’s UX Festival and it brings those interested in the user experience fields together for a week long celebration.  This year we noticed the theme of tech and design intersecting and we knew we needed to be there. In fact you can find us there in a few different ways. You can find us in person, on stage and through out the festival. All of these factors will contribute to our custom sign design theme we are creating with Fluxible this year.

The Sign Depot Enters Fluxible

Earlier this month we were announced as a sponsor for Fluxible via their twitter account.


As the custom sign sponsor sponsor for this year’s event we will be creating a stage item as well as wayfinding signs throughout the event spaces. We are collaborating with Fluxible by using their designs and logo to create signs that are highly visible for the conference.

Not only will be represented at Fluxible through sponsorship, our own Owner/President, Peter Moir will be the presenter at the BROWN BAG LUNCH that is happening at Noon on Wednesday September 20, 2017.

This brown bag lunch features Peter Moir of The Sign Depot, a local fabricator of high-end signage whose work can be found across North America. Peter will talk about how sign design impacts our experience of public spaces. 

Looking to learn a little more about Peter before the event? Read up on his latest adventure at THE SIGN DEPOT – @ THE TOP OF CANADA and see what was happening in this pic.

Peter Moir - The Sign Depot - Top of Canada

To get all the info on Fluxible: Canada’s UX Festival visit the links below




and the link to Peter’s talk is can be found at

We’re looking forward to seeing how everyone will be flexing their design muscles at Fluxible. Be sure to connect with us while you are there! We always want to be part of a “connected” community.

