The Sign Depot

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A New Landmark For Waterloo Region When St Jacobs Market Opens Its New Building

St Jacobs Market Celebrates Their New Landmark

It was last October when we wrote about Canada Am visiting the St Jacobs Farmers’ Market. Now the St Jacobs Market has more exciting news to share. After their landmark building was destroyed by a fire, they are now ready to unveil their new building this Thursday June 11, 2015. They will be opening the new market building to the public that morning.  For those who live in The Region Of Waterloo this is exciting news.  So much so that when The Sign Depot sign installers were putting the sign on the building’s exterior it managed to garner a bit of attention from the local media.

Farm Market Signs

When it comes to Farm Market Signs there are several choices.  The St Jacobs Farmers’ Market wanted to ensure that the signage for the new building was highly visiable from various spots at the market.  To acheive this PVC letters were router cut and finished white.  The white letters installed against the red exterior of the building created a lot of contrast and as the image below shows, it allows you to see the new market building from quite a distance.

Landmark Sign - St Jacobs Market Building - The Sign Depot

Tourist Landmark

The St Jacobs Farmers’ Market serves as year round landmark destination for tourists. People visit the St Jacobs Market by the busload, so ensuring they can find their way around the market is incredibly important. Whether it be building signage or wayfinding signs, having a points of direction or places to meet at a busy place like a farm market makes getting around a lot simplier for those not familiar with the surroundings.

Custom Signs St Jacobs Market Community Involvement - The Sign Depot

Have you heard of the St Jacobs Farmers’ Market before? Did it inspire you to come to The Region Of Waterloo for a visit? Let us know in the comments! We want to hear about your experience there, or about any farm market you frequent.

