The Sign Depot

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Signs Of Community Involvement – TEDx

Connected Community

We want to ensure that our community involvement brings people together for a common good and this new event was something that was recognized as a positive change for our local area. With our past community involvement in TEDx Waterloo we were thrilled that TEDx Kitchener came to us to bring their branding to centre stage, especially since the theme for this event was Fostering Connectivity.

 For highlights from the event be sure to check out their #TEDxKitchenerED hashtag to see what those in attendance thought of the conference.

Grabbing The Attention Of An Audience

As a way to introduce TEDx Kitchener, a dimensional sign was created to draw in the audience members.  This stand up sign stood out from the stage but did not take away from the speakers’ presentations.  It is imperative for signs to have a unique look without becoming an eye-sore, so this one was designed for modern style of the TEDx brand.  To acheive the clean look the sign letters were router cut on our CNC table.

CNC Dimensional Sign Letters - TEDx - The Sign Depot

Vinyl was applied to the letters and they were placed into a custom platform piece to hold up the sign.

Dimensional Letters - TedxKitchener - The Sign Depot

While following the TEDxKitchenerED twitter feed, we noticed that the sign grabbed the attention of audience member @KWSarah when she tweeted  this pic

Community Involvement In Your Area

Community involvement has always been a part of what we do here at The Sign Depot. We want to know how you get involved in your community. There are many ways of doing so. Do you volunteer? Donate to a charitable organization? Participate in community events?  How do you give back to your community? We look forward to hearing about it! Leave a comment below, post on our facebook page or send us a tweet.  We are always looking to connect with local community as well as our online community. We think that is great way to begin Fostering Connectivity.
