The Sign Depot

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Everyone Is Flocking To The Sign Depot To Check Our Our Custom Signs

News Travels Fast

It was just last fall that we mentioned that The Gray Jay might be the next big thing for custom cottage signs. Well we guess the word must have got out about it as we had some new visitors in our neighbourhood this morning.

What began as post on our facebook page about potential customers…..

….. almost became reality as this pair of geese ended up at The Sign Depot’s front entrance.

We assured them that they are still very popular choice when it comes to cedar cottage signs.

Canadian Custom Sign - The Sign Depot

They seemed satisfied with our answer and were on their way to check out all of the fresh new lawns on the street.

Bird Watching

While the Canada Goose has always been a popular choice for cottage signs, other birds have made appearances as well.


Cottage Sign Loon - The Sign Depot



Custom Sign - Cardinal - The Sign Depot

and even Chickens

Each of these signs were custom made to the clients specifications and bird preference. If any of the above images leave you feeling peckish for your own custom sign, you can see below just how easy it is to have one created to suit your needs.  Perhaps you might want to get them for the whole family “because birds of a feather, flock together” or so they say.

Create Your Own Custom Cottage Sign

Here at The Sign Depot we can create any wood sign to fit your style. Just supply us with the size, shape, text, colour scheme and what type of graphic you would like to see on it and we can send you a free quote. All it takes is a visit to our CONTACT US page to get started.  You may want to get on that quickly as these bird themed custom signs “are flying out of here” and the staff might be on a hunt for some Golden Eggs that the pair of geese may have left behind. Want to keep up on other bird happenings here? Visit our twitter page @TheSignDepot and send us a “TWEET”


Is The Gray Jay The Next Big Thing For Cottage Signs?

The National Bird Project

The GRAY JAY was announced as the Canada’s National Bird by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society and Canadian Geographic through their National Bird Project.  The gray jay was selected because it’s a bird that can be found year round (yes that includes the frosty winter months) in all of Canada’s provinces and territories.

Gray Jay Cottage Sign - The Sign Depot

Here at Sign Depot we are wondering if we will begin to receive requests for the gray jay on new orders of custom cottage signs?

Custom Signs With Bird Designs

Over the years we have created several custom signs with birds that are found in Canada, but these species tend to migrate south for the winter. The Canada Goose and Canadian Loon (also known as the Common Loon) have appeared on custom signs created here in the Sign Depot workshop.

Cottage Signs - The Sign Depot Inc

Cottage Sign Loon - The Sign Depot

Now with announcement of the gray jay being added to the list of popular birds found in our country, we may start to see requests for sign designs with this species of bird included in the sign artwork. We think it’s perfect pairing for our sandblasted cedar cottage signs as they weather the elements year round as well.

Be Ahead Of The Trend

Are you thinking of getting a custom wood cottage sign or residential sign?  You might want to consider having a gray jay added to your sign design. It could end up  being the next big thing in cottage signs.  We see many different trends when it comes to our custom signs. Why not be ahead of the trend? All it takes to order a gray jay cottage sign is a bit of information on your part and a visit to our CONTACT US page.

How Much Does A Custom Cottage Sign Cost - The Sign Depot

How To Order A Custom Wood Cottage Sign - The Sign Depot

Within a few weeks of receiving your order, you too can be a proud owner of a trendy custom cottage sign.
