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3 Dimensional Augmented Reality Created From Retail Signs – Augtober
Adding A Layer To Business Signs
If you have been watching our Twitter page you may already know we have been talking a lot about Augmented Reality this October and have renamed the month Augtober. Here at The Sign Depot we relentlessly strive to stay at the cusp of signage technology. This allows us to offer our clients an abundance of choices when it come to their custom business signs. The development of Augmented Reality, sometimes known as AR, has found a way to take 2 dimensional images and turn them into a 3 dimensional signage experience. If you are wondering how AR works, it is a layering process, where a marker is embedded into a sign. By using a smartphone app, people are able to see the sign brought to life. It is best explained in the article 10 things you need to know about augmented reality
Markers work by having software recognise a particular pattern, such as a barcode or symbol, when a camera points at it, and overlaying a digital image at that point on the screen. If the image is three-dimensional or animated, the effect is of a digital experience unfolding on the surface upon which the pattern is printed.
In an earlier post 3 Dimensional Augmented Reality And The Sign Industry we showed how Marvel was using Augmented Reality with their retail signs to bring superheroes into the store. This creates a unique shopping experience and makes it memorable to those browsing the aisles. Once again retaliers have engaged a younger audience in their locations by launching a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Augmented Reality campaign involving their business signs. You can see it highlighted at the end of this video
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