class="tag"Posts Tagged ‘#140confONT’

Conference and Community Seminar Signs – How To Play A Starring Role From Behind The Scenes
The 140 Characters Conference Arrives in Canada
I might not be the biggest, but sometimes it pays to be small but mighty!
This was the case for me last week. You see I never have attended a 140conf before & like most I wasn’t sure what to expect.
Infact I wasn’t even sure what I should wear!!!
I decided to cover myself in Magenta to match the conference’s branding.
At first I felt all alone but soon I had so many people find me in hopes that I could help them find what they were looking for.
I had some very prominent speakers and the rock stars of social media look to me for guidance.
Soon I had my own Paparattzi courtesy of Transitions Photograpy & Sean Yo.
They caught all my best angles & I was even brave enough for a close up.
Even my cousin enjoyed himself. He’s the one in the top right corner. He always wanted to be on the Big Screen!
It just goes to show you that although you don’t play a starring role, you can still be use and an intricate part of something much bigger. Choosing how to display your a custom sign is just as important as where you display it.
Logos and A-Frame signs make a big impact at conferences and seminars. They are versatile are create a lot of visibility for your business. They also can help with findabilty and wayfinding issues at the event. Creating a clear message is also key when it comes to community conference signs. Less is more, but remember to be bold and beautiful at the same time. You want to stand out from everything else around your business logo, but never be an eyesore.
To learn more about the 140 Characters Conference happening in our community make sure to follow the #140confONThashtag on twitter or join their facebook page

The Sign Depot’s Community Involvement – The Fans Have Spoken
Opening the Door
Last week the question was asked our SIGN DEPOT BLOG VIEWERS what they would like to see covered on the blog. We receive answers on both the Facebook Fan page as well as on Twitter.
The answer with the most votes was OPEN HOUSE INFO.
We are holding our next Open House on Friday Sept 9th from 6:30-9:30pm in conjuction with the
140 Characters Conference Meetup
The 140 Chartacters Conference is coming to Canada for the first time and the event is being held at The Tannery. We’re very familiar with that building in regards to reception signage, window graphics and wayfinding signs.
To celebrate the arrival of the 140 Conference in Canada, there are meetups being held all over Ontario this summer. The final meetup will be held here 51 Borden Ave S. Kitchener Ontario. Once again we are partnering with Little Mushroom Catering and I’m sure a few other friends will be involved along the way.
If you are interested in meeting lots of people from different parts of the province, please plan to drop by! Make sure you RSVP at this link so we can ensure there are enough munchies for everyone!
If you’re interested in learning more about the 140 Characters Conference make sure to watch the video below can see more vids about it in the playlist found here
You can also learn more by following #140confONT hashtag or becoming a fan of their page on Facebook.
You can learn more about The Sign Depot’s community involvement by visiting out Sign Blog and searching community. You will quickly see how involved we are in our community. We pride ourselves on being helpful to both the business and not for profit community.
As for our part in the 140 Characters Conference we will be providing wayfinding signage for the Conference and a great meetup leading up to the Conference. We hope you’ll join on here on Sept 9th