Our Friends at The Charcoal Group of Restaurants Want You To PLANeT

#FridaysForFuture #CGPLANT4PLANeT
Today marks a new initiative by our friends at The Charcoal Group of Restaurants. The #CGPLANT4PLANeT came out last week’s global climate change strike.
As listed on their website, Jody Palubiski, CEO of The Charcoal Group of Restaurants was quoted as saying
“This all started when my kids asked me if they could miss school last Friday to support the climate strike.I told them that it is important to ensure their voices are heard but it is equally as important to understand that you also have the power to take action. Of course they asked, ‘what can we do’? To which I responded; Plant trees! I want to lead by example for them, for our community, for our planet.”
Below are some change-makers from the Chamber of Commerce CPN group that are ready to plant their seedlings that were supplied by The Charcoal Group of Restaurants.

Time To Get Planting
Not sure what to do with your white spruce seedling? These instructions provided by Cindy Perri, BRAND GUARDIAN for The Charcoal Group of Restaurants, are sure to help!
Isn’t it too cold to plant? NO! It’s actually the perfect time to plant. The seedlings NEED to go into dormancy to grow properly. (they actually need to freeze to live!)
What if I want my seedling but I can’t plant it this fall? IF you simply cannot plant it this fall on a sunny day, then you must put your seedling in the freezer for the winter. Or you can store it in the garage but DO NOT put it on the concrete. Put it on a piece of wood/shelf or in a pot off of the concrete ground. DO NOT keep it indoors, it will not survive.
Do I take it out of the Peat Pot? NO! you keep it in the peat pot and plant it in the peat pot as well. Plant it on a sunny fall day and make sure it gets lots of water!
The info-graphic below is a great reference as well.

So remember to visit on of the restaurants shown above and post your photo with the hashtag #CGPLANT4PLANeT
We’ll be following along and sharing them on our instagram story!
Do you have a great community involvement initiative that we should know about? Let us know in the comments!

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