Make Marketing Matter And Start The Year Off Right For Your Business

Get Your Goals In Place
The best way to start off the new year is to get your goals in place. Where does marketing fit into it all? Many think that Marketing and Sales are the same thing. They definitely are not. Marketing is about using tools to attract customers, which in turn may lead to sales.
Last year Sign Depot posted this on the WaterlooMIN site
You may want your website to be a good representation of your products, but did you strive for a GREAT representation your business? Your website must catch the eye of someone who is unfamiliar with your business. Just like the tale of the Three Pigs your solid based website may take a lot more effort, but in the long run you will outlast the quick setup ones.The word “marketing” can easily be substituted for “website” in the statement above. You want to market your business well and show potential clients that you represent the answer for what they are looking for. If your You want to market your business well and show potential clients that you represent the answer for what they are looking for. . Make sure you stand out from the rest and really think about what best represents what you do. If you’re in the service industry make sure your marketing reflects that the potential client is in good hands by choosing your company. Make sure your whole team is on board with the marketing goals you have set and lead by example.
Get Some Advice
Not sure how to start your marketing goals this year? Look to your local organizations to see what presentations/meetings/groups are available to you. If you are in the Greater Kitchener Waterloo area and a Chamber of Commerce member several new Peer2Peer groups are starting in 2012. The Sign Depot is heading up the Marketing Peer2Peer group as the business lead and if you are a Chamber Member it may be a great place for you to start.
If updating your logo, entrance-way or reception area is part of your Marketing Plan Goals, we’d love to help. If you have other suggestions about ways to Market yourself we would love to hear them too. Just leave a comment, send a tweet or post a message on the facebook page.

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