Wood Sign Making Compliments of Italy – From Custom To Wholesale We Are Always Here To Help

You Never Know What You Have Inspired
Earlier this week, we received an email from a person overseas, saying that they came across an article in Sign Craft Magazine from March/April 2009 with a sign we had made. We often partake in sign publications asking for step by step articles about how we manufacture custom and wholesale wood signs. It is a great way to connect with other manufacturers in the sign making profession.
The email explained that in Italy they don’t have all the materials that we have here in North America but building wood signs was a hobby and our step by step plan was useful. With a bit of subsitution they were able to make a wood sign for friend of theirs.
Below is a pic of the sign that was built based on an article from 2 years ago

Had the hobbiest never emailed us, we would have never known what that article inspired. You just never know who you’re making an impact on. That is why we encourage our audience to converse with us. There are several ways to reach The Sign Depot.
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We’re happy to answer your questions about business, retail, custom and wholesale signs. Anything from How big should my sign be? to How is a wood sign made? We get inquiries every day about how signs are made, what kind of sign permits are required, what materials work in each environment and many more. Being a full service sign shop we are able to help you decide on what signs will work best. Whether it is a vinyl vehicle graphic or a custom wood cottage sign our sign experts will point you in the right direction (oh yes that means we do wayfinding signs too).

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