CNC Router Table Cutting For Dimension

Designing Dimesion
Have you ever looked at the logo on your business card and wondered what it would look like if it wasn’t flat?
By using a CNC router process we can give your logo/lettering the dimension it deserves. Take a peek at our CNC router table in action
This demo is just the base of the object. After the HDU (High Density Urethane) otherwise know as outdoor use foam, has been cut and stacked it will then it will primed and painted to give it that extra punch to make it stand out! Using a router table to CNC cut the HDU creates a custom carved sign that makes a impact. Dimensional signs that are created by CNC routering spark curiosity and often an grab the attention of prospective customers. These 3D signs are a great way to get your business noticed and they often serve as a memorable landmark that literally stands out from your competitors. You want your business to be easily recognized and CNC routered signs give you the opportunity create logo into a unique advertising opportunity. The next time you are in a busy downtown area, take note of what grabbing your attention. Is it because it is different from everything else around it? Is it dimensional? Would you like something like that for your business? If the answer is yes to any or all of these questions, then perhaps you are ready to make the leap to a custom carved sign. If you foresee a CNC sign in your future, make sure to contact The Sign Depot and we can walk you through our dimensional sign making process and find what fits for your business. You will be sure to carve out a niche with a High Density Urethane carved sign from our CNC router table.

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